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Overwatch 1 - Nendoroid video 1

Overwatch is a popular first-person shooter video game developed by Blizzard Entertainment. Released in 2016 for PC, Playstation 4, and Xbox One, the game quickly rose in popularity with universal acclaim, favorable reviews, and an open beta that amassed 9.7 million players. With its in-depth lore, unique characters, extensive voice cast, and popular competitive scene, the game has stood the test of time, with a sequel appropriately named Overwatch 2 revealed at BlizzCon 2019

Overwatch's gameplay revolves around two teams fighting over an objective. Most game modes have a team defending an objective, while another team attacks to fight for control over it, while some game modes, like Control Point, have teams switching roles of attacking and defending several times within any round.

History of Overwatch Nendoroid

Initially starting with Overwatch's poster character Tracer in 2017, Nendoroid has gone on to create many of the game's heroes into Nendoroid figures. And with the game's worldwide success they even distributed the series' through their international stores. With more characters being announced, it looks like there will be more figures to come in the future

List of Overwatch Nendoroids (1/4)

All products depicted herein are copyright of GOOD SMILE COMPANY, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

#730 Tracer: Classic Skin Edition

Lena “Tracer” Oxton is a former member of the original Overwatch and one of the first members to rejoin Overwatch after it had been re-established. While working as a pilot for Overwatch, she was affected by a malfunctioning aircraft teleportation matrix. This caused her to become destabilized from time, allowing her to speed up and slow down her own timeline. She comes from England and time-jumps all over the world to correct the wrongs in the world. Tracer is a dedicated person who is committed to protecting the citizens and hopes her fighting can someday lead the world to a better place.

She is a damage hero meaning she is one of the characters responsible for securing a kill by engaging and attacking the enemies. Tracer is a close-range character who specializes in speed and single target damage making her great for focusing attacks. Her primary weapon is her Pulse Pistols allowing her to rapidly fire and shoot her enemies repeatedly. This figure features Tracer in her default skin from the game.

(c) Crypton Future Media, INC.

Nendoroid Tracer: Classic Skin Edition #730
Price US $49.99
Release Date August 2017
Sculptor Tokura (knead)
Cooperation Nendoron

Additional Parts

Tracer comes with multiple faceplates allowing different facial expressions, showing her smile, with or without exposing her teeth, or one where her mouth is slightly open looking slightly to the sky. Her hair or more specifically one strand of hair that is her fringe can be adjusted, allowing it to be covering or exposing her face. Her open hands allow her to hold her signature weapon, a pair of pulse pistols, alongside her Ultimate Ability the Pulse Bomb. Her Recall ability can also be displayed with a special attachment.

#757 Mei: Classic Skin Edition

Dr. Mei-Ling Zhou is a climate scientist who hails from China and was sent to Antarctica to investigate unusual fluctuations in the climate. Due to a polar storm, the research facility was isolated from the rest of the world, and Mei was forced to enter cryostasis for 9 years in order to survive. She believes in preserving the world for future generations and while she was initially just a scientist she became determined to fight to preserve the environment.

Mei is also a damage hero who unleashes various icicles and frost streams as an attack. She can then use cryo-freeze to protect herself against attacks where she becomes completely invincible and negates all the status effects. Her attacks make her a very versatile character who is good with both short and long-range enemies. This figure features Mei in her default skin from the game.

(c) Crypton Future Media, INC.

Nendoroid Mei: Classic Skin Edition #757
Price US $49.99
Release Date October 2017
Sculptor Tokura (knead)
Cooperation Nendoron

Additional Parts

Mei comes with two swappable face plates, showing either her smile or a joyous smile with her eyes closed and mouth open. Her weapon, the Endothermic blaster can be attached to her right hand, which connects to her cylinder back attachment. There is also a special effect part that can be attached to her blaster to make it seem as though she is using her attack. Snowball joins the battle too, it can rest either on the cylinder or with its own stand. An effect sheet comes with the package, allowing Mei to use Snowball with her ultimate ability "Blizzard".

Further Information

This is page 1 of a series of Overwatch Nendoroids. Please select from this list of other pages for information on other Nendoroids in this series.

Page 2: Mercy: Classic Skin Edition, Hanzo: Classic Skin Edition, Genji: Classic Skin Edition

Page 3: D.Va: Classic Skin Edition, Sombra: Classic Skin Edition, Junkrat: Classic Skin Edition, Soldier: 76: Classic Skin Edition, Torbjörn: Classic Skin Edition.

Page 4: McCree: Classic Skin Edition, Lúcio: Classic Skin Edition, D.Va: Academy Skin Edition, Ashe: Classic Skin Edition, Reaper: Classic Skin Edition


Nendoroid Tracer: Classic Skin Edition - Tokyo Otaku Mode
Nendoroid Mei: Classic Skin Edition - Tokyo Otaku Mode
Nendoroid Tracer: Classic Skin Edition - GOOD SMILE COMPANY
Nendoroid Mei: Classic Skin Edition - GOOD SMILE COMPANY
Overwatch Nendoroid - Figures
Overwatch - Figures
McCree Overwatch - Nendoroid
Tracer (Lena Oxton) Overwatch - Nendoroid
D.Va Overwatch - Nendoroid
Mercy Overwatch - Nendoroid
D.Va Overwatch - Figures
Genji Shimada Overwatch - Figures
Junkrat Overwatch - Figures
Lucio Overwatch - Figures
McCree Overwatch - Figures
Mei Overwatch - Figures
Mercy Overwatch - Figures
Pharah Overwatch - Figures
Reaper Overwatch - Figures
Symmetra Overwatch - Figures
Overwatch - Merchandise
Overwatch Funko Pop - Merchandise
Overwatch T-Shirts - Merchandise

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