Blue Exorcist - Figures
Blue Exorcist is a Japanese manga series both written and illustrated by Kazue Kato. The series began its publication through Shueisha in 2009 and has since released 25 volumes. There is also an anime television series by the same name, which had its original run from April to October of 2011. Both the anime and the manga have received positive critical reception worldwide, and have sold well. The story follows two teenage boys, Rin and Yukio Okumura. There are a few character figures available for purchase online of the main characters of this story. Here are some of the more popular figures from the series: G.E.M. Series Blue Exorcist Yukio Okumura, G.E.M. Series Blue Exorcist Rin Okumura, and the Blue Exorcist Half Age Vol. 2 Box.
Blue Exorcist Yukio Okumura G.E.M. Series Figure
This non-scale figure shows Yukio Okumura with his determination on full display. He stands at approximately 9.1” tall yet has every ounce of detail still evident. The flow of his jacket is sculpted professionally, flowing in the wind in a lifelike fashion. His face screams bravery and determination, very akin to the original character. This figure comes with an interchangeable expression and an interchangeable arm to give fans many different posing options. This figure is pre-painted and comes with a base, so there is little set up required before fans can display him with their collection.
Product Name: G.E.M. Series Blue Exorcist Yukio Okumura
Series: Blue Exorcist
Product Line: G.E.M.
Manufacturer: MegaHouse
Specifications: Painted, non-articulated, non-scale ABS & PVC figure w/ base
Height (approx.): 230 mm | 9.1"
Also Includes:
Interchangeable expression
Interchangeable arm
Blue Exorcist Rin Okumura G.E.M. Series Figure
This non-scale figure of Rin Okumura shows him in all of the glory of his demon form. He stands proudly at around 9.1” tall with his sword and his familiar Kuro at his side. The sculpting of his tie and his jacket look almost windswept, adding more life to the piece. This figure comes with interchangeable expressions as well as an interchangeable arm. Fans can easily display Rin in either his normal form or his demon form with these options. This figure of Rin comes pre-painted with an included base, so the only set up needed is deciding how to display him.
Product Name: G.E.M. Series Blue Exorcist Rin Okumura
Series: Blue Exorcist
Product Line: G.E.M.
Manufacturer: Megahouse
Specifications: Painted, non-articulated, non-scale ABS & PVC figure
Height (approx.): 230 mm | 9.1"
Also Includes:
Familiar Kuro figure
Interchangeable expression
Interchangeable arm
Blue Exorcist Half Age Vol. 2 Box
This box features pre-painted, non-scale figures of some fan-favorite characters in the Blue Exorcist series. Standing at around 4” tall, these boxes come with one random figure from a choice of eight different options. The boxes are chosen randomly, so fans can enjoy the surprise of what they receive. The possible character options are Rin Okumura, Yukio Okumura, Mephisto Pheles, and Shura Kirigakure. There are two versions available for each character, so fans can try their luck or trade and try to collect them all. The figures themselves are small but are still packed full of detail. Despite their size, there is a considerable amount of detail, especially within the clothing and facial expressions.
Product Name: Blue Exorcist Half Age Vol. 2 Box
Series: Blue Exorcist
Manufacturer: Bandai
Product Line: Half Age
Specifications: painted non-scale figures (8 to collect)
Size: approx. 4 in
Quantity: 1 random figure
Blue Exorcist Series Story
The story of Blue Exorcist is set in a world that contains two different dimensions. One of these worlds is the world where humans live, Assiah, and the other is where demons live, Gehenna. The two main characters that the story focuses on are Rin and Yukio Okumura, who were raised by exorcist Father Shiro Fujimoto. One day Rin discovers that he and his brother are the sons of Satan. After witnessing the death of Father Shiro, Rin has a goal to become an Exorcist like his guardian to defeat Satan. In order to achieve this, he enrolls at True Cross Academy, a cram school for exorcists. Much to Rin’s surprise, he arrives to find that Yukio is already a veteran Exorcist at the academy, as well as his teacher.
Blue Exorcist Series Development
The Blue Exorcist manga series was written and illustrated by Kazue Kato. Since its initial release in 2009, there have been 25 volumes published as well as an anime series and a movie. As of November of 2016, the Blue Exorcist manga series had more than 15 million copies in circulation. Much of this popularity has come from within Japan, where the seventh volume was the first Jump Square manga to print one million copies. The critical reception of the series has been overall positive, with reviewers saying that is best suited for teen readers. It has been compared to other shonen manga as well. Each character is very unique with their own traits, goals, and desires.
Blue Exorcist Yukio Okumura G.E.M Figure
Blue Exorcist Rin Okumura G.E.M. Figure
Blue Exorcist Half Age Vol. 2 Box
Blue Exorcist Label