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OtapediaNeon Genesis Evangelion - Figures

Neon Genesis Evangelion is an anime TV series that originally began airing in October 1995 and gained an incredible amount of popularity. Its unusual method of storytelling and appealing characters garnered the attention of countless fans throughout the years and shows no signs of slowing down. The recent re-release on Netflix in 2019 got people talking about it again and allowed old and new fans alike to legally stream the series in the United States on such a wide scale for the first time. Since the series performed so well, it should be no surprise that an incredible amount of merchandise was created as well. Figures, of course, are a popular choice for fans to appreciate their favorite characters and come in such a wide variety that anyone can find one that suits their taste. Over the years, hundreds of individual figures have been sculpted and dozens are still being made to this day. Popular figures on the current market include the “Neon Genesis Evangelion Asuka Langley Soryu: Gothic Lolita Ver. 1/7 Scale Figure: RE”, the “Rebuild of Evangelion Rei Ayanami: Summer Queens Eva Store Limited Edition 1/8 Scale Figure”, and the “Rebuild of Evangelion Captain Katsuragi Premium Figure”.

Neon Genesis Evangelion Asuka Langley Soryu: Gothic Lolita Ver. 1/7 Scale Figure: RE

This unique figure by Kotobukiya features Asuka in an original gothic lolita outfit rather than her classic red plugsuit or school uniform. The uniform features a white layered skirt, long black leggings and a black top with matching gloves that are all decorated with white ruffles. Several dark red ribbons are wrapped around Asuka’s hair and neck to give the outfit a nice accent. A pair of small, heart-shaped earrings can also be seen on each ear. Particular details like the individual folds and frills of the outfit were carefully sculpted to help add to the intricate design of this figure. It also includes a base that is designed to look like a set of destroyed stairs. Asuka sits on this base with her back toward the wall. One arm is at her side while the other rests on her lap as she shares off to the side.

  • Release Date: May 2020
  • Manufacturer: Kotobukiya
  • Sculptors: iTANDi and Koei Matsumoto
  • Specifications: Painted, non-articulated 1/7 scale figure made with non-phthalate PVC and ABS plastic (with a base)
  • Approximate Height: 7.1 inches (180 mm)

Rebuild of Evangelion Rei Ayanami: Summer Queens Eva Store Limited Edition 1/8 Scale Figure

This summer-themed figure by Our Treasure features Rei in a simple one-piece swimsuit. The outfit itself is mostly white, but has blue stripes that wrap around her hips and run up her back. The simple design of the swimsuit allows viewers to focus on the other unique aspects of her design, like her peculiar blue hair and red eyes or her slim, slender form. The pose of the figure has Rei standing straight up with her weight shifted onto one foot while both of her arms are raised up behind her head. Her face shows a calm, collected expression that has a hint of shyness.

  • Release Date: March 2020
  • Manufacturer: Our Treasure
  • Sculptors: Miki Ousaka (Cherry Blossom)
  • Specifications: Painted, non-articulated 1/8 scale figure made with PVC and ABS plastic (with a stand)
  • Approximate Height: 7.9 inches (200 mm)

Rebuild of Evangelion Captain Katsuragi Premium Figure

This figure from Sega’s Premium Figure line features Captain Katsuragi from Rebuild of Evangelion movie series. After the events of the second movie in the series, many characters’ personalities and designs changed drastically, and likely one of the most dramatic changes happened with Misato Katsuragi. This figure has Captain Katsuragi wearing a bright red jacket with black slacks and similarly black boots. Her pose is a rather simple one: Katsuragi stands at an angle while she holds a pistol in one hand and brushes her hair back with the other. Her ponytail also seems to be floating as if she were caught in a sudden breeze.

  • Release Date: November 2020
  • Manufacturer: Sega
  • Specifications: Painted, non-articulated figure made with PVC plastic
  • Approximate Height: 2.8 x 8.3 inches (7 x 21 cm)

About the Characters

While the protagonist of the Evangelion series is Shinji Ikari, all of the main cast plays a significant role in the series as a whole. Throughout the series, other characters like Asuka Langley Soryu (Langley Shikinami in the Rebuild series), Rei Ayanami, and Misato Katsuragi are questioned just as much as Shinji and by end of the series, their motivations, feelings, and understandings of the world are questioned just as much as Shinji’s. In terms of design, the members of the main cast are clearly distinct from one another, making it easy for viewers to differentiate between them.

About Neon Genesis Evangelion

Neon Genesis Evangelion is a Japanese anime series that was produced by studio Gainax, directed by Hideaki Anno, and originally broadcasted from October 1995 to March 1996. Evangelion tells the story of Shinji Ikari and other major characters as they fight against Angels by using Evangelion Units, powerful mechas that are piloted by a single person. As the series progresses, the motivations of each character are questioned and the audience sees the internal struggles that they each face as a result. Since the series deals with the intricate psychologies of each character, the story is often told using metaphoric and existential methods, a factor that some fans cite as the main appeal of the series. To this day, Neon Genesis Evangelion continues to be a hit among anime fans around the world.


Neon Genesis Evangelion Asuka Langley Soryu: Gothic Lolita Ver. 1/7 Scale Figure: RE
Rebuild of Evangelion Rei Ayanami: Summe Queens Eva Store Limited Edition 1/8 Scale Figure
Rebuild of Evangelion Captain Katsuragi Premium Figure
Asuka Langley Soryu Figures
Rei Ayanami Figures
Neon Genesis Evangelion Label
Asuka Langley Soryu Label
Rei Ayanami Label

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