Petra Leyte - Re:Zero
Name: Petra Leyte
Age: 13
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Birthday: 14th of February
Voice Actors: Kouno Marika
Petra Leyte is a young girl with shoulder length reddish brown hair and cyan eyes. During her time in the village she wore casual clothes - seemingly a shirt and jeans - and then once she moved to the mansion she wore the maid uniform commonly worn by all the maids of the Mathers mansion. Regardless of her dress, she keeps wearing her iconic headband with a ribbon on it. Due to how young she was when first introduced she has actually changed a noticeable amount over the course of the story, growing taller and having her hair grow out. She is fairly soft spoken though she has grown to be more confident and to express her opinion as time has gone on.
Petra was born and grew up in Irlam village on the land under control by Roswaal L. Mathers. While she herself is relatively soft spoken she was part of the group of rowdy children in the group and was even fairly popular amongst them. She is initially introduced when Subaru first visits the village to purchase supplies with Rem. Subaru learns a few anecdotes about all the children at that point and Petra is said to dream of growing up to be a seamstress at the capital.
During the incident with the Demon Beast Wolgarms after Subaru figures out the source of the death curse was the puppy that the children were fawning over he realizes that they were in danger and rushes to the village. By that point, Petra and the rest of the children have already gone missing. Subaru and Rem rush into the forest to try to rescue them fearing any delays could spell the death of the children. The duo manage to locate the children in a clearing, seemingly hurt despite no obvious injuries other than bite marks (the vector by which the curse was applied). As she gets healed, Petra points out that one more child was taken further in (the as yet unnamed Meili) which prompts Subaru to head off alone to rescue her. With Rem looking over the children, Petra and the rest are brought home by the villagers and are more or less fully recovered by the next morning.
After the incident Petra (and the rest of the village) slowly get to know Subaru better as he frequently came down to perform radio exercises with them. Thus, when Subaru turns up suddenly with orders to evacuate due to a threat from the Witch Cult most of the villagers complied willingly. He also specifically approaches the children and asks them to accompany Emilia while evacuating. This served the dual purpose of giving Emilia the responsibility of looking after the children and forcing her out of the village while also showing that the children weren't afraid of her because of her appearance (being similar to Satella the Witch of Envy). Petra and co. actually admit to recognizing her as being the one accompanying Subaru into the village during radio exercises despite her hood that hides identities.
After that point Petra is ingratiated to the likes of Subaru and Emilia and begins work as a maid in the Mathers mansion. It is probably around this time that her crush on Subaru fully manifests. She stays in the mansion for the majority of time that Subaru and Emilia go off to the Sanctuary but is forced to evacuate when Subaru returns to Elsa and Meili attacking the mansion. Once everything was resolved, she continued her work for the household while Subaru and team went off to Priestella and then subsequently the Pleiades Watchtower.
Natsuki Subaru - Petra developed a bit of a crush on Subaru after being saved by him a number of times. She was one of the reasons that Subaru could not bear to just stay in the mansion after getting past his death curse. She has died in multiple timelines when Elsa attacked the mansion as an effective bystander to the events. In one of those unrealized timelines she gave Subaru a handkerchief which was in turn part of a payment that Echidna took that ultimately gave Subaru more knowledge about the going ons of the entire event.
Emilia - Petra and the rest of the children were tasked with evacuating together with Emilia during the events of Arc 3. Her and the children's casual acceptance of her appearance did a lot to boost Emilia's self-esteem and confidence at being a Royal Candidate. The children later admitted that they were comfortable with her because they recognized her when she came to the village with Subaru for radio exercises.
Irlam Village - Petra is very close to the members of Irlam village especially the other children Mild, Meina, Cain and Dine (who both sought to woo her), and Lucas.
Maid - Petra is training to be a maid for the Mathers mansion.
She doesn't possess any known combat abilities.