Kararagi City States - Re:Zero
Re: Zero kara hajimeru isekai seikatsu: Kararagi City States
In the world of ReZero, Kararagi City States (都市国家) are a country located to the west of Lugnica. In many ways, it is similar to an older version of Japan but of course it has its own differences, what with its history and it being in a completely different world.
The country was founded about 400 years before Subaru's arrival ("400 BA" henceforth; there is no precise information, so the dating process must be approximate) by the same person who reportedly also introduced all the elements that make it similar to Japan, and so Subaru derived him to have been another stranger from this world's Japan like Subaru or Aldebaran. Indeed, Kararagi dialect is basically a Western Japanese dialect kansaiben; its architecture is called Wafū which is literally "Japan-style"; they have "daisukiyaki" (lit. "beloved fries") as a counterpart of "okonomiyaki" (lit. "favorite fries") in Japan; they have shinobi spies; the cities have very Japanese-sounding names, and so on.
Not much is known about its political structure (the "City States" is based on information by Julius) so, technically speaking, whether it is just one city state with ten numbered major cities, or just ten city states remains a matter of some uncertainty, even; however, the possibilities can be inferred from the minor details.
The cities each have a Mayor (都市長 toshichō) who vote to pick the Consul General (大総領 daisōryō) to represent Kararagi.
Slavery is legal and rampant in Kararagi. A notable exception is the city of Banan where enslaving people with a source of income is illegal; that said, one could get away with enslaving street urchins if not caught in act.
400 BA
- Foundation of Kararagi by a "genius merchant" Hōshin of the Wilderness (荒地のホーシン) who revolutionized its politics, laws, culture even.
14 BA
- In the slave mines, Reisel offers Ricardo to join forces; thus Ricardo was able to escape the beatings. Reisel organizes a successful slave rebellion without letting Ricardo in on the plan.
12 BA
- The triplets Mimi, Hetaro, and Trey are abandoned and taken in by Roshi.
10 BA
- Ricardo spots four slavers trying to capture a young girl, and kills them. He takes in the girl, Anastasia, and finds her a job. They part. She pledges to remove his slave collar.
- Anastasia joins the Chuden Group. Chuden hires Ricardo as his personal bodyguard. Ricardo's collar is taken off and replaced by a status one (a "hound" of the company), with no control gemstone.
9.5 BA
- Chuden assigns Ricardo as head of operations to eradicate bandits around Banan.
- Anastasia is captured by a Multi-armed man, Didorii, who takes her to Razcrew to sell her into slavery. Anastasia, Mimi, and Hetaro retaliate, which ends up with Didorii himself enslaved.
- Ricardo's mercenary crew ambushes the slavers. Ricardo challenges Didorii to a duel, and kills him.
9 BA
- Reisel joins forces with Ricardo to steal a Metia from a trader's cart. They face resistance of Shiroro who appears from the cart. While Ricardo fights Shiroro, Reisel gets away with the cart. Shiroro and Ricardo end up in an alliance and return the stolen goods.
- Echidna meets Anastasia, gets curious, and becomes her advisor. Anastasia promises Roshi to take care of the Pearlbatons if he dies.
- As Reisel lies defeated, the Archbishop of Lust confronts him on his failure. She punishes him by using her Authority on him, and Reisel loses human shape.
8 to 2 BA
- Roshi dies. Anastasia and Ricardo take in the triplets and start living with them.
- Ryūshika Business Association is founded, and Anastasia is given work there after offering a valuable remark.
- Anastasia buys out Ryūshika B.A. and renames it to Hōshin Trading Company.
- Anastasia is in talks with the Juukuliuses on expansion into the Lugnica market when she is found eligible for the royal election.
Albis River: a river to the north of Kararagi that is large enough to also cross Gusteko.
Free Trade Metropolitan Area: an area that is Anastasia's birthplace.
Hōshin Trading Company (originally Ryūshika Business Association): a large-scale company belonging to Anastasia.
Kyo: the first city of Kararagi.
Banan: the second city of Kararagi, a bit to the west from its center. Rem IF/Natsuki Rem events take place here.
- Magoji Mansion: up north
- Chuden Group: the headquarters.
Crimson Hills Girall, The: unique dunes to the west made of magic stone desiccated into sand. The little magic stones explode all the time.
Magolya Plateau: a plateau host to the Grand Mogolade Geyser.
- Fusumi: the fourth city of Kararagi by the Geyser. Surrounded by mountains. White Snow Sakuras blossom around it.
- Grand Mogolade Geyser: a lake-like geyser with multiple locations. Said to be deep enough to be connected to the Great Waterfall. Abundant aquatic life.
- Cragrel Moving Forest: a quirk of natural adaptation to Kararagi's climate. Unable to break the stone with its roots, the forest evolved to travel windward to the new area where the Geyser is active and use its water. The wood from these trees is valuable.
Zarestia's Bed: a cavern to the far west of Kararagi, host to the Great Spirit Zarestia that kills any who dare enter the cavern.
- Kararagi - Fan Wiki
- カララギ - Wikipedia
- Terminology - Fan Wiki