Alternate Title
Zen Seizaki, a prosecutor with the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors' Office begins investigating a conspiracy regarding a pharmaceutical company’s clinical research. In the middle of the investigation, Zen finds a piece of paper with notes written by an anesthesiologist named Shin Inaba. The paper is filled with countless “F”’s...and next to that is a strange bloodstain containing fur and skin. As Zen continues to investigate the mysterious incident he becomes more and more wrapped in a conspiracy surrounding an important election and the people who are really pulling the strings.
Babylon began as a light novel of the same name by Mado Nozaki that began publication in October 2015 under Kodansha’s Taiga Bunko imprint. The anime adaptation was announced in March 2018 and will feature animation by Revoroot. The anime will premiere in Japan in October 2019.
Zen Seizaki
The protagonist, Zen is a prosecutor with the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors' Office.
Ai Magase
The antagonist, Ai is evil and the greatest threat to
Atsuhiko Fumio
A 24-year-old deputy prosecutor, Atsuhiko was teamed up with Zen two years prior.
Yasutaka Morinaga
The head of the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors' Office, Ai is in her mid-fifties.
Ariyoshi Hanta
A reporter for the Kounichi Shimbun, Ariyoshi is friends with Zen.
Ben Mitoni
A prosecutor, Ben is the official in charge of digital forensics.
A special investigator with financial affairs.
Hiasa Sekuro
A prosecutor who aids Zen.
Yoshifumi Sekuro
A legal secretary, Yoshifumi is Hiasa’s uncle.
Hitomi Seizaki
Zen’s wife.
Asuma Seizaki
Zen’s son. He is a first-grader in elementary school.
Shinobu Kujiin
A detective at the Tama Police Station.
Head of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department Investigation Section 1.
An assistant inspector with the criminal investigation unit.
Ryuichiro Nomaru
A candidate for the new zone leader election, Ryuichiro is 68. He is with the Jimei party and is a former member of the house or representatives.
Haruomi Kashiwaba
A candidate for the new zone leader election, Haruomi is with the Minsei party and is a former member of the house or representatives.
Kaika Itsuki
A candidate for the new zone leader election, Kaika is 30 and is a former city council member.
Tomokazu Anou
Ryuichiro’s private secretary, Tomokazu is 66.
Shin Inaba
An anesthesiologist at St. Rafael Medical School, Shin is 43 and is the head of development of the sleeping pill Seiren.
Kurauzu Sakabe
A doctor at the Sakabe Medical Clinic, Kurauzu specializes in psychiatry. He is 52 and is Ai’s uncle.
Alexander W. Wood
An American who goes by Alex, he is a famous player of the online RPG Explorer Online.
Sam Edwards
An American interpreter.
Tyler Griffin
The US Secretary of State.
Edward Giuliani
The US Presidential Chief of Staff.
Thomas Bloodham
Director of the FBI.
Gustav Luca
The President of France.
Otto Herrigel
The Prime Minister of Germany.
Flora Loewe
The Prime Minister of England.
Lucciano Cannavaro
The Prime Minister of Italy.
Dan Carry
The Prime Minister of Canada.
Toshio Fukuzawa
The Prime Minister of Japan.
International Streaming
- Amazon Prime
Official Links
- Original Creator: Mado Nozaki
- Director: Kiyotaka Suzuki
- Original Character: Zain
- Character Designer: Keisuke Goto
- Music: Yutaka Yamada
- Production: Twin Engine
- Animation Production: Revoroot