Joshi Kausei
Alternate Title
A silent high school girl anime! The beautiful (and unlucky) Momoko, the cool bespectacled Shibumi, and the cute and refreshing Mayumi. Together, the girls have fun and enjoy each day as their high school lives begin!
Joshi Kausei began as a manga by Ken Wakai that has been serialized in Futabasha’s Web Comic Action since September 2013. The series is a “silent manga” with no dialogue or sound effects. As of September 2018, eight collected tankobon volumes have been published.
An anime adaptation was announced in the eighth volume of the manga in September 2018. The series is being animated by Seven with Noriyoshi Sasaki directing and writing the script and Kyohei Yamamoto designing the characters. The anime will premiere in April 2019 in Japan during AT-X and Tokyo MX’s FutabAnime time slot. The opening theme will be “Silent Days” by amatsuuni.
Momoko Futo (Voiced by: Rika Tachibana)
A derpy cute high school girl who is energetic, lively, and a bit of an airhead.
Shibumi Shibusawa (Voiced by: Tomomi Mineuchi)
Momoko’s friend from middle school. She has a cool attitude and serious personality. She wears glasses.
Mayumi Furui (Voiced by: Yurika Kubo)
A friend of Momoko’s, Mayumi is a cute and shy transfer student with thick eyebrows and soft cheeks who wears a different uniform than the others.
International Streaming
- Crunchyroll
Official Links
- Original Creator: Ken Wakai
- Director/Series Composition: Noriyoshi Sasaki
- Character Designer: Kyohei Yamamoto
- Art: Namu Animation
- Color Designer: Naoto Kondo
- Director of Photography/Editing: Kazuto Horikawa
- Sound Director: Yukio Nagasaki
- Sound Production: BloomZ
- Animation Production: Animation Studio Seven