Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba
Alternate Title
Set in a fantasy world visually similar to Edo Japan, Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba tells the story of a hardworking and kind boy named Tanjiro Kamado. Tanjiro lives with his family. Or at least, he did. One day, Tanjiro comes home to find his entire family murdered except for his sister, Nezuko. She has been maimed by those demons and is transforming into one. Tanjiro begins a quest to avenge the deaths of his family and restore his sister’s humanity by slaying every demon he can.
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba is originally a shonen manga that began its run on Feb. 15, 2016 and is presently ongoing as of January 2019. Series creator, Koyoharu Gotoge, was first recognized for participating in the 70th Jump Treasure Newcomer Manga Awards in 2013 at age 24. Her entry, Kagarigari, was also a story about demon slaying. To date, over 2.5 million copies of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba have been printed worldwide.
Ufotable is producing the highly anticipated anime adaptation which will begin airing in April 2019. It will be directed by Haruo Sotozaki. Several veteran voice actors have been announced for the anime, including Yoshitsugu Matsuoka (Eromanga-sensei, Boku no Hero Academia) and Takahiro Sakurai (Mob Psycho 100, Code Geass).
Tanjiro Kamado (Voiced by: Natsuki Hanae)
The main protagonist of the story. Tanjiro is a young boy at the age of 13 when his family is murdered and he becomes a demon slayer. He is determined, kind, and protective, most especially of his sister, Nezuko. He empathizes with everyone, even demons, causing himself inner turmoil at the moment of slaying some of them. He wears a green and black checkered haori and has burgundy-colored hair.
Nezuko Kamado (Voiced by: Akari Kito)
One of the main characters of the story. She is the younger sister of Tanjiro. Nezuko wears a pink kimono with a red and white checkered obi. She’s often biting a piece of bamboo. She is kind and caring, even after turning into a demon. Her demon abilities allow her to change the size of her body.
Inosuke Hashibira (Voiced by: Yoshitsugu Matsuoka)
Inosuke is a fellow demon slayer and ally to Tanjiro. Having spent much of his life alone, he has trouble interacting with others. He loves to fight, especially opponents stronger than himself, and is a sore loser. He usually wears a boar mask that covers his whole head and shows off his muscles by going around shirtless.
Zenitsu Agatsuma (Voiced by: Hiro Shimono)
Zenitsu is a cowardly demon slayer with short blonde hair. He wears a yellow haori. Zenitsu believes demon slaying is a dangerous job but wants to live up to the expectations of others. He loves to hit on girls, and they usually do not reciprocate his feelings.
Muzan Kibutsuji
An ancient demon that wears a modern black suit as well as a white fedora.
International Streaming
- Crunchyroll
- FUNimation
- Hulu
- Wakanim
- AnimeLab (Australia & New Zealand)
Official Links
- Original Creator: Koyoharu Gotoge
- Director: Haruo Sotozaki
- Script: ufotable
- Character Designer: Akira Matsushima
- Sub-character Designers: Mika Kikuchi, Miyuki Sato, Yoko Kajiyama
- Concept Artists: Kasumi Takeuchi, Koji Eto, Masaru Yanaka, Yuri Kabasawa
- Director of Photography: Yuichi Terao
- 3D Director: Kazuki Nishiwaki
- Color Designer:
- Editing: Manabu Kamino
- Music: Go Shiina, Yuki Kajiura
- Production Producer: Hikaru Kondo
- Animation Production: ufotable