Death Note - Merchandise
Death Note is a well known Japanese manga and anime series originally written by Tsugumi Ohba and illustrated by Takeshi Obata. The anime and manga series focuses on the protagonist Light Yagami, a high school student who finds a magical notebook containing the power to kill any person as long as they know their name and face. The anime has been widely successful and a large amount of merchandise, toys, figures and various products based on the series has been produced over the years. With so much to look through, fans of Death Note are sure to find something that interests them no matter what their personal tastes and budget are.
Death Note Light and L on Ryuk’s Hand T-Shirt
The Death Note Light and L on Ryuk’s Hand T Shirt is a t-shirt by Ripple Junction and is made of 100% cotton. The t-shirt is black in color and has an image of the characters Light and L held within Ryuk’s claws with a backdrop of a red apple behind them. There are two chains that cross over the apple. Light and L are accurately depicted with their characteristic long, messy straight hair. The stylized title of the series is printed in white text, though the Japanese title can be found written in katakana underneath. The image itself is quite large and takes up about half of the space on the front of the shirt, the rest being plain black. With so many sizes and such a nice design, this shirt would be a great addition to anyone’s closet!
- Brand: Ripple Junction
- Color: Black
- Material: 100% cotton
Death Note Omega Blu-ray Edition
The Death Note Omega Blu-ray Edition is a collector’s edition of the Death Note anime series. Although it does contain all 37 episodes plus two movies (Re-Light 1 and 2), this Omega collection includes a variety of other content as well. Aside from the discs included in the set, the collection includes a special one-shot manga that acts as a prequel to the original series. The collection also includes approximately three hours of extra content like behind-the-scenes footage involving the production of the adaptation, interviews with the Japanese production team, footage of the voice cast and artists, and audio commentary. With so much extra content, even experts of the Death Note series are sure to find something new in this special Omega Blu-ray collection.
- Director: Tetsuro Araki
- Studio: Viz Media
- Format: Blu-ray (Region A)
- Audio: English, French, Japanese, Spanish
- Subtitles: English, French, Spanish
Light Apple SD Keychain Death Note
The Light Apple SD Keychain Death Note is a keychain based on the protagonist of the Death Note series, Light Yagami. Great Eastern Entertainment is the company that manufactured this PVC keychain. The keychain is about two inches in size and has a lobster hook, making it easy to attach and remove. The keychain itself shows Light Yagami in a chibi style holding the Death Note in one hand and a bright red apple in the other hand. He has his classic long brown hair and big, bright eyes and wears a black long-sleeve shirt, beige pants, and socks on his feet. The keychain can be put on a backpack, hooked onto another keychain, or put on anything else one can think of.
- Manufacturer: Great Eastern Entertainment
- Size: approx. 2 in
- Material: PVC
About The Characters
L plays the role of a well-known detective in the Death Note series. He is concerned with capturing a mass murderer named Kira and develops a suspicion about another character named Light Yagami, whom he believes is actually Kira. L has messy black hair, black eyes, and is very skinny. Ryuk is another fictional character from the series and is easily identifiable due to his scary and creepy appearance. Ryuk is not a human being, but rather a Shinigami, a god or supernatural being inspired by Shinto beliefs and ancient Japanese history. Ryuk accidentally loses a magical notebook that gives its bearer the power to kill anyone they know the face and name of. Light Yagami finds the book and wishes to use it to create a perfect world where only those worthy of life should survive. Light Yagami is a talented high school student who finds the book. Light is the main protagonist of the series and has a bored yet charismatic personality.
About Death Note
The Death Note manga series focuses mainly on Light Yagami’s attempt to carry out widespread murder for the purposes of creating a utopia. During these pursuits, Light Yagami takes on the nickname “Kira”. However, he is pursued by a task force commanded by an international detective named L, who does everything in his power stop Light from continuing his violent, deadly pursuits. The manga was first serialized from 2003 to 2006 in “Weekly Shonen Jump” and has since been adapted into various kinds of media, like a TV anime series and several live-action movies. Also, novels based on the manga have been written. The anime was directed by Tetsurō Araki who has been quoted as saying that he wished to recreate and convey aspects that “made the series interesting" as opposed to "focusing on morals or the concept of justice".
Light Apple SD Keychain Death Note
Death Note Omega Blu Ray Edition
Death Note Light and L on Ryuk’s Hand T Shirt
Death Note Funko Pop Figures
Death Note Label