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OtapediaFate Ruler

Ruler - Fate


The term “Ruler” in the Nasuverse can refer to a specific character, or it can refer to a Class of the same name in the mobile game, Fate/Grand Order. Characters in this class are also considered Heroic Spirits, with the title “Heroic Spirit of Arbitration,” but it is not considered one of the standard seven Servant Classes. It can use or take Command Seals, and it can be the Master of other Servants.

Its purpose is to preside over the Holy Grail War itself. It acts separately from the overseers and mediators of the war provided by the Church and independently makes sure that the concept and rules of the Holy Grail War are kept. Ruler appears in the Great Holy Grail War that is told in Fate/Apocrypha. In the Great War, Ruler does not take sides with any Master or Servant and insteads acts based on the logic belonging to the Grail itself.

Another purpose a Ruler must serve is to ensure that the laws of the Heroic Spirits are not violated. It acts as a judge of all things with the goal of maintaining human history. Beings summoned to the Ruler Class are usually Saints acknowledged by the Church for having performed miracles. However, Chaldea’s FATE System in Fate/Grand Order, other beings throughout human history and lore who meet the right criteria for being a Ruler Servant do not need to be a Saint.

Shirou Tokisada Amakusa

Shirou Tokisada Amakusa is summoned as the Ruler-class Servant in the anime Fate/Apocrypha during the Third Holy Grail War. Throughout his existence, he fulfills the character roles of Master, Servant, human, and magus.

In life, he was the leader of the Shimabara Rebellion during the Edo Period. The people of his time thought he performed many miracles, like walking on water, but this was just him casting spells. He led the peasants of the Shimabara Rebellion to victory. This should have been impossible and was also considered a miracle. Eventually, the shogunate forces were able to capture and execute Shirou by decapitating him. At that moment, when his allies were being tortured and killed all around him, Shirou did not feel remorse, pain or sorrow. He believed there had to be a purpose for all of this loss of life and prayed to God to be given another chance to create a happy, perfect and pure world without evil.

Fate/Apocrypha takes place in an alternate timeline than the *Fate/stay night * series. During the Third Holy Grail War in Fate/Apocrypha, the Einzbern family summons Shirou Tokisada Amakusa as a Ruler Servant, which is against the normal rules of the Holy Grail War. At that time, Shirou was able to touch the Greater Grail, allowing him to stay materialized in flesh even after his Master died. Shirou later was adopted by Risei Kotomine and became the stepbrother of Kirei Kotomine.

During the Great Holy Grail War, Shirou joins the Red faction. He summons Assassin of Red (Semiramis) who accepts him as her Master. Shirou goes on to control and manipulate several Masters and contract with multiple Servants of the Red faction. He even contracts with the Caster of the Black faction.

In the Great War, Jeanne d'Arc is summoned to be the Ruler to preside over everything. Shirou considers her an enemy to his goal and the two battle. This leads to Shirou losing his arm and Jeanne dying.


He appears in the Great Holy Grail War as a teenage boy with spiky white hair and golden eyes. He wears a priest’s red vestments and a black uniform, as well as a necklace with a golden cross. His skin is tanned. His age is several decades after reincarnation but he perpetually looks seventeen.

In his Servant form, he has much longer hair, in a style common to Japan’s samurai period. His outfit, colored white, black, cream, and red, is a mix of Japanese and European influence.


Amakusa Shirou is more closely categorized as a Spellcaster instead of a Magus. He did not possess great combat or magecraft abilities in the Third Holy Grail War. However, because he is brilliant and manipulative, he is often able to win in his battles. As the overseer during the Great Holy Grail War, he is given the ability Spirit Board to see the status of all fourteen participating Servants.

Noble Phantasms
Left Hand - Xanadu Matrix: Anti-Unit class. Also known as Foundation of Heaven's Blessing. Can connect to Thaumaturgy Foundations, which allows him to use the Almighty Key, meaning he can use any kind of magecraft he wants.

Right Hand - Evil Eater: Anti-Unit class. Also known as Wickedness Predation. Similar to the Left Hand, it allows him to use any magecraft without needing the time to train or master in it. It also grants him precognition.

List of Ruler Servant Cards in Fate/Grand Order

Jeanne d'Arc
Jeanne d'Arc (Alter)
Amakusa Shirou
Martha (Ruler)
Sherlock Holmes
Shi Huang Di
Quetzalcoatl (Samba/Santa)
Artoria Pendragon (Ruler)

Fate & FGO