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OtapediaFate Kairi Sisigou

Kairi Sisigou - Fate


Kairi Sisigou is the Master of Saber of Red (Mordred) during the Great Holy Grail War in Fate/Apocrypha. Kairi is a freelance necromancer who is contracted by the Mage’s Association to participate in the war on their behalf.

He comes from a line of necromancers and is the seventh generation head of his family. However, his family line is cursed and due to that Kairi cannot have children. In the past, he adopted a distant relative as his daughter and tried to implant his Magic Crest into her so that his family line could continue, but due to the curse the ritual killed her, which devastated Kairi. Due to the guilt he felt, he left his family and became a bounty hunter and freelance necromancer. His wish for the Holy Grail is to remove the curse so that his family line can continue.

Kairi is pragmatic and logical, often taking the path that has the best chance of success with the least resistance. He is a chainsmoker who enjoys smoking because it allows him to feel the ephemeral nature of the world. He develops a close relationship with Mordred due to them having similar personalities.


During the events of Fate/Apocrypha Kairi is 32 years old. He has an abrasive appearance and an outlaw nature that makes people fear him. He has shoulder-length hair and claw-like scars that run down the right side of his face. He has a piercing gaze and wears dark sunglasses along with a black leather jacket and black pants. He has a muscular and intimidating frame, and due to his appearance he is routinely stopped and searched by police, which suspect him to be up to no good. Even other magi keep their distance from him due to his appearance.


Kairi is a proficient necromancer and is knowledgeable with mixing ingredients to create healing mixtures, poisons, and more. For weapons he uses a sawed-off shotgun that fires human fingers using Gandr magic to create cursed bullets that are target-seeking and kill victims in a single shot, plunging into them and rupturing the heart with their curse. He also uses grenades made from the hearts of magi that explode in a cloud of shrapnel that kills those it is embedded into from the blast.


Kairi meets with Rocco Belfaban at the Clock Tower and is contracted to participate in the Great Holy Grail War on behalf of the Mage’s Association. He is given a piece of the Round Table from Arthurian legend to act as a catalyst in summoning his Servant. Accepting the job, he heads to Romania where he completes the summoning ritual and summons Mordred. After becoming acquainted with Morded, the two head to the Church to see the Overseer of the war, Shirou Kotomine, who tries convincing Kairi and Mordred to join forces with him, but they refuse and decide to go their own way. After taking out a Yggdmillennia scouting party in the city, they hole up in a mausoleum as their base of operations. They soon get word from the Mage’s Association of a string of murders involving mages and are sent to the city of Sighisoara to investigate. Kairi discovers that whoever killed the magi did so to acquire magic energy, leading him to believe that a Servant is responsible. That night, the city is filled with fog and the two are separated with Assassin of Bladck (Jack the Ripper) appears. Kairi soon finds himself in a fight with Fiore Forvedge Yggdmillennia, but her brother Caules Forvedge Yggdmillennia comes to her aid and the two retreat.

With the battle of the Great Holy Grail War in full swing back in Trifas, Kairi and Mordred get a car and race to the battlefield. When they arrive, Kairi drops off Mordred and retreats to a safe distance. After Shirou steals the Greater Grail, Kairi and Mordred form a truce with Fiore and the rest of the Yggdmillennias and agrees to work together with them to stop Shirou. However, the two secretly make their own plan to steal the Grail for themselves while everyone else is distracted fighting.

While the rest plan a head-on assault of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Kairi and Mordred prepare their own fighter plane, which they use to slip into the Gardens unnoticed amidst the commotion of the assault. They make their way through the Hanging Gardens and reach the throne room. However, he is locked out after Mordred enters to face Assassin of Red (Semiramis). Semiramis uses her Noble Phantasm Sikera Ušum to unleash poisonous gas that weakens Mordred. The two formulate a plan and Mordred breaks down the down just as Kairi rushes in with a hail mary attack and an antidote for Mordred. Back up to her full strength, Mordred is able to defeat Semiramis, but Kairi suffers lethal wounds from Semiramis. Knowing his time is short, he tells Mordred to find another Master so that she can live on, but she refuses and sits down next to him. They each have one last smoke together until he breathes his last breath.

Other Appearances

Kairi has a role in the anime adaptation of Lord El-Melloi II Case Files, {Rail Zeppelin} Grace note, as a friend of the deceased Trevor Pelham Codrington who goes on to work with Luviagelita Edelfelt to investigate who stole Iskander's mantle and lured Lord El Malloi II to the Rail Zeppelin.

Fate & FGO