Written and illustrated by Hajime Isayama, Attack on Titan is a dark fantasy and post-apocalyptic series set in a world that is overrun with Titans which brutally attack and hunt humans. In an effort to survive, humans retreat within tall walls until one day the so-called Colossa...
Yggdrasil, a DMMORPG (Dive Massively Multiplayer Online Game) released in 2126, proved a hit with players thanks to its highly immersive quality. After 12 exciting years, the game’s servers are set to be shut down leaving some of its most dedicated players mourning the loss of th...
An American soldier on tour in Iraq, Griffin, suddenly starts firing on his comrades. Subdued by a friend, Griffin utters only the word “Banana Fish” before dying. Some years later, a mysterious man approaches the fallen soldier’s brother, Ash, now 17 and the leader of a New York...
Set in the town of Mabuse, FLCL Progressive takes place after the events of FLCL in which Naota and Haruko Haruhara (or Raharu) shared their adventure. War rages on, however, between Medical Mechanica and Fraternity. Enter Hidomi Hibajiri. Not unlike the occasionally blasé and li...
In an alternate Edo era, humanity has been overthrown by alien invaders known as “Amanto”. Despite samurai resistance, the Shogun surrendered, signing a peace treaty which bans the wearing of swords in public. Eccentric samurai Gintoki Sakata helps his friend Shimpachi Shimura sa...
In 1991, sixth grader Haruo Yaguchi is a total no hoper. He’s not smart, he’s not handsome, and to be honest he’s not even very nice. The only talent he has in life is that he’s insanely good at video games. However, even this small talent is about to be stripped away from him by...
Ordinary high school girl Chio Miyamo enjoys walking to school every day. Far from boring, Chio’s regular commute takes her on a series of surreal adventures as she encounters various bizarre obstacles all while simply attempting to get from A (her house) to B (her school).
Top magical lawyer Toru Muhyo and his assistant Jiro Kusano are the legal opposition to supernatural crime. According to the laws of the land, they track down ghosts and spirits who’ve caused harm or inconvenience to the living, sending them to heaven or hell depending on the jud...
Thanks to her fear of heights, Aoi never imagined she would be spending her free time climbing all sorts of beautiful mountains alongside close friends…but after a childhood friend invites her on a climbing trip similar to the one they took when they were children, Aoi begins to ...
Freshman Iori is so excited to start his life at Izu University. A fresh start, fun experiences, new friends, plus the roaring sea and blazing sun… what more could anyone want? He even gets to room with his family at his uncle’s diving shop Grand Blue! Everything seems perfect… u...
Takuma Sakamoto is a gamer who never leaves his room until he’s suddenly transported into his favorite MMORPG, Cross Reverie, as his character Demon Lord Diablo! He has been summoned by pantherian Rem and elf Shera who wish to make him their servant, but he has a passive called “...
Kazutaka Hyodo, the president of Japan’s biggest consumer finance company Teiai Corporation, is often bored and enjoys nothing more than tormenting his employees. Squeezed middle-manager Yukio Tonegawa has hatched a plan to keep him entertained by recruiting 11 of his “blacksuit”...
The island of Urashima has had its fair share of mysteries, and Setsuna is the newest one on the list. One summer morning, he’s found on the shore, naked and without any substantial memories of where he’s come from or what he was doing before… Strangely enough, he does have the u...
Based on the Japanese RPG developed by Hoshikuzu KRNKRN (Makoto Sanada) for Microsoft Windows, the Angels of Death anime adaptation was announced via the official Twitter account on July 24, 2017. Scheduled to run for 16 episodes, the first season began airing on July 6, 2018.
Chronically indebted high schooler with psychic powers Kogarashi Fuyuzora is talked into taking a room at a disused hot springs, the Yuragi Inn, on account of the rent being extremely low. However, the reason it was so cheap is that it is haunted by the ghost of a high school gir...
Learn about the human body and blood cells with the anthropomorphic cast of Cells at Work!! This series is set in the human body which is depicted as a city, and together, the characters including a red blood cell and white blood cell work to protect the city against pathogenic m...
Despite having lost his memories, high schooler Soya Kuroi lives a peaceful life until one day, the world is attacked by a massive weapon called the Nebula Weapon. Soya is then dragged into battle along with the cat-like Sensei and a girl named Ginko who dresses as a gothic lolit...
When a yakuza makes a mistake, his boss usually asks him to cut his little finger off. However, for three unlucky aspiring gangsters who’ve just cost their boss millions, the price is a little higher. They have two choices: honourable suicide or…go to Thailand and receive gender ...
Six years ago, Union was a famous MMORPG. Six years ago, Subaru was the most legendary guild in the game despite the fact that its members were elementary school students. Back then, everything was about spending time together and looking cool while slaying monsters no one else c...
Kentaro Tachibana, the coach of the Kitakomachi High School badminton club, is becoming worried because the team has so few members that they can’t even enter competitions. When he spots Ayano Hanesaki eagerly climbing a tree and clocks her excellent motor skills, Tachibana is de...
High school girl Haruka Ozora has just moved from Tokyo to Okinawa. Cheerful and positive as she is, Haruka has a bit of a complex over being unusually tall for her age. Haruka’s cousin Kanata who arrives at the airport to greet her has exactly the opposite problem. In fact, she’...
Out of the blue, college student Yukine decides to try her hand at summoning a demon from hell - and so she does! Surprisingly, a demon with a serpent tail named Jashin-chan appears…but after realizing that she has no idea how to send her back, Yukine and Jashin-chan are stuck ro...
Aki Shiina is a shy boy whose feminine looks often cause him to be mistaken for a girl. Hoping to change his life, he decides to move to Tokyo for middle school and moves into the Sunohara-sou lodging house. His new landlady, Ayaka Sunohara, is a warm and maternal woman who looks...
Sato Matsuzaka had never been loved by anyone until she met Shio Kobe. Having found each other at last, the two girls draw closer and build a lovely life of happiness together. However, there is a dark cloud hanging over their sweet relationship. Sato will not let anyone threaten...
Sato Matsuzaka had never been loved by anyone until she met Shio Kobe. Having found each other at last, the two girls draw closer and build a lovely life of happiness together. However, there is a dark cloud hanging over their sweet relationship. Sato will not let anyone threaten...
In the Imperial Capital of 1830, a mysterious group of people carrying cases for musical instruments get off the train at Tokyo Station. Their cases do not, however, contain musical instruments for these are the Jaegers - vampire hunters, one of whom happens to a be vengeful were...
For Yuuto, what began as a selfie with a mystical shrine mirror ended with his sudden transportation from the modern world to a war-torn one called Yggdrasil. Here, it’s survival of the fittest, with the different clans constantly battling and vying for power, land, and resources...
18-year-old Baileu Ton has come to London to study abroad after graduating high school. However, she quickly finds herself drawn to a secret nighttime bar, “Cafe Forbidden,” which has a particular set of clientele. Among the staff are vampire Vlad, werewolf Luke, Jiang Shi Tauryu...
The Heroine is guided to the mysterious Dream World where dreams act as the life force to those living there. The world is in danger as beings known as the Yumekui feed on people’s dreams threatening Dream World and all of its residents. In order to defeat the Yumekui and save Dr...
Aoi Mashiro, a second-year high school student, has just transferred to Kyoto from Saitama. After a chance meeting with the owner’s son, Kiyotaka Yagashira, Aoi starts working part-time at the Kura antique shop in Kyoto’s quaint Teramachi Sanjo shopping district. Kiyotaka, also k...
In 1274 (Bunei 11), former samurai retainer Kuchii Jinzaburo is exiled to the island of Tsushima by the Kamakura Shogunate. On arriving at the island, Jinzaburo and his fellow exiles are made aware of the real reasons they’ve been sent to Tsushima by the daughter of the island’s ...
Middle school girl Olivia’s parents aren’t Japanese, but she was born and raised in Japan and can’t speak any English. Nevertheless, she pretends to everyone that she’s an American transfer student who can only speak in broken Japanese. At school she makes friends with two other ...
In Edo’s Fukagawa ward, brother and sister Oko and Seiji run the rental store Izumoya. As Edo is prone to floods and fires, many people prefer to rent everyday items like pots, pans, futons, and clothing rather than have to worry about them if they have to leave in a hurry. Izumo...
Bakabon and his crazy dad are back! Bakabon is not too bright and loves making mischief - just like his father, Bakabon’s Papa, who was once a genius but became an idiot after a strange incident where he sneezed a screw out of his head. Now updated to 2018, what kind of bizarre a...
Ordinary school boy Ren Fujii has a falling out with his best friend, Shirou Yusa, and tries to get on with his school life by hanging out with old friend Kasumi Ayase and older student Rea Himuro. However, when the town is suddenly engulfed by a strange series of indiscriminate ...
It’s summer break, but rather than go home, five university students and members of the occult society have planned a special mission. Searching for hidden treasure from the Tokugawa era, the gang have managed to sneak deep into the university vaults. What they find there, howeve...
Ongaku Shoujo is an unfortunate “C-list” high school idol unit which barely makes any sales. In an effort to turn their bad luck around, their producer Ikehashi suggests that the unit needs a new member which is when they meet the skilled but tone-death Hanako Yamadagi who works ...
In a post-apocalyptic world devastated by nuclear war, individual freedom has been restricted by the authoritarian rule of the World Empire. While it is forbidden to possess weapons, a resistance movement has come together to oppose the World Empire by arming itself with antique ...
Tokyo, 2030. A high frequency resonance suddenly hits the suburbs and crimson fog envelops the streets. Those who heard the sound all lose consciousness, humans and animals alike. Fearing it’s an unidentified virus, the government temporarily relocates to Osaka and blockades Toky...
Twelve-year-old Yuga Mikado is known as the “Ace of Games” and has a PalTube channel with his friend Ranma in which they live stream themselves having fun. When Yuga starts playing Buddyfight the first card that appears is Garguntua Dragon. Together with his new Buddy, Garga Yuga...
In the far future, humanity’s exploration of space has expanded at an alarming rate and arrived at the far side of the galaxy. However, for mysterious reasons, the computer on the space station suddenly goes crazy. It being impossible to stay, the astronauts decide to abandon the...
Utterly determined to surpass his father Yujiro (the strongest fighter in the world) in terms of strength, Baki Hanma trains daily until five of the world’s worst inmates are gathered to face him. Overly powerful, they are bored of fighting and desperate to know what it feels lik...
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