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OtapediaSacred Arts - Sword Art Online

Sacred Arts (神聖術 shinsei jutsu) are System Commands in Project Alicization 1/4. The Underworld natives treat them as magic, and they are presented as magic rituals and linked to the specific states of mind of the practitioner. The success of a Sacred Arts technique depends on how attuned the caster's emotions, voice, and imagination are to the purpose. For example, healing arts work much worse if the caster is even slightly hostile to the target, and work much better than the caster's System Control Authority suggests if all of the their being prays for recovery.


Different Sacred Arts rituals have different SC Authority stat level requirements; SC Authority also seems to govern the ritual's probability of success.

Another requirement is of a consciousness-linked conductor for the caster's imagination. The usual conductor is the caster's fingers, but other parts of the body may be used, including toes of even eyes. Multiple conductors can be used at the same time. During the ritual, the caster needs to keep the image in mind of each element chosen being connected to each of the conductors throughout the incantation, which necessarily implies long practice needed to imagine and maintain many conductors at once.

Finally, ritual require specific amounts of a "space resource" called Sacred Power (神聖力 shinsei ryoku, lit. "divine sacred power"; could be associated via play on words with 精神力 seishin ryoku "mental fortitude"), provided by the Sun and Earth. Many rituals require more Sacred Power than the environment may immediately provide, especially in the cities, so catalysts (触媒 shokubai) are used to add power. Catalysts are one time-use items made from the dried spherical fruits born from wilted flowers and are activated by breaking them, emanating Sacred Power that shines with green light. The most widely-used and powerful flowers for the catalysts are anemones in the spring, marigolds in summer, dahlias in autumn, and cattleya in winter. Roses are much more powerful than any other but Axiom Church has monopolized growing those.

Sacred Arts Syntax

All rituals are incantated in English, and begin with a voice command System Call! followed by the appropriate phrase of unique structure. The length of the phrase is directly proportional to its difficulty. Upon activation, the caster's conductors start glowing, indicating the system connection has been initiated and is expecting further input.

Elemental Sacred Arts

An elemental ritual taps into a specific element (素因 eremento, lit. "factor"), which is done by the system command Generate [element] element. Manipulating elements involves intricate body movements. Here are the element names, their meanings, and common uses:

|Aqueous (水素) | Aerial (風素) | Cryogenic (凍素) | Luminous (光素) | Metallic (鋼素) | Thermal (熱素) | Umbra (闇素) | Crystalline (晶素)|
|water | wind | frost | light | steel | heat | darkness | crystallization|
| | | | defense, flame-countering | lighting, healing | gen. metal items | fire attacks | searching | gen. glass barriers, cups|

After the generation, the caster chants further commands. For example, Form element, [shape] shape controls the desired shape of the generated element, while Fly straight; Counter [element] object; Adhere possession, [Item_ID] would describe the desired movement. Most incantations are ended with an activation command discharge (解放 lit. "unleash"). In contrast, burst element causes the elements that are accumulated to explode, while the command adhere attaches the element to an object.

The system connection has no timeout, so as long as the caster can keep visualizing the element connection to their conductor, the final command can be used for emergency situations.

Command List

The system console help is available on Inspect entire command list, provided the caster's SC Authority is high.

Known Commands

The commands never seem to mention the size and amounts of items created from the elements. The rules governing these are unknown, although it can be carefully surmised that this may depend on the Sacred Power and the caster's visualization power.

|Command | Description |
|Generate luminous element. Adhere | Attaches light source to object.|
|Transfer Human Unit Durability left to self | Siphons Durability or Life from the human in contact with the caster's left hand. The modifiers left, right, and self can be used in this command.|
|Generate umbra element. Adhere possession. Object ID, [Object_ID]. Discharge | Generates Umbra and instructions it to move to the owner of Object_ID object, effectively performing a search.|
|Generate thermal element. Form element, arrow shape. Fly straight. Discharge | Produces one or more fire arrows that fly forward.|
|Generate cryogenic element. Form element, bird shape. Counter thermal object. Discharge | One or more birds made of ice are created and launched to intercept a thermal object.|
|Inspect entire command list | Displays the list of available commands.|
|Generate luminous element. Burst element | Emits a flash of blinding light.|
|Generate cryogenic element. Form element, shield shape. Discharge | Creates one or more ice shields of default (buckler) shape and large-size.|
|Generate aerial element. Burst element | Summons an aerial shock wave.|
|Deep freeze. Integrator Unit, ID [XXX_ID] | Puts a specified Integrity Knight in stasis indefinitely. XXX_ID is the Knight's three-digit ID.|
|Remove core protection | Opens caster's Fluctlight for modifications.|

Other Commands

  • Weather prediction allows predicting weather up to a week ahead. Exact syntax unknown.
  • Perfect Weapon Control Art is a high-authority set of commands to strengthen the Divine Instrument-class weaponry based on unleashing the recollections of its base object's memory. Has the strengthening and releasing phases that range between 25 and 30 words highly tailored to the base object, and assign the ability chosen solely via visualization; however, with enough visualization power, incantation becomes unnecessary. Otherwise, strengthening taps into the object's memory and links it to the weapon, then actuates with enhance armament and transitions to release recollection where the entirety of recollections are used to power the ability, and are uncontrollable at this stage with a risk to override the caster.
  • Synthesis Ritual is a supervisor level command allowing manipulation of Underworld people's Fluctlight. Mainly used to create Integrity Knights. Ineffective against real-life FullDivers. Instantaneous if used on self, it takes three days to remove the core protection from an unwilling person and set all the parameters right. Can only be used on a target within the caster's line of sight. Exact syntax unknown.
  • Full Recovery Art restores the caster's Durability/Life to maximum value.
  • Wound healing uses luminous element to seal the object's wounds and stop bleeding. Does not regenerate Durability.
  • Unnamed Surveillance Art creates and projects a camera in a targeted location for the caster. At the targeted site, the camera looks like a window projecting a camera that shows the caster. Exact syntax unknown.
  • Consciousness sharing allows using one or more objects without their own Fluctlight to keep parts of the caster's consciousness and perception in those objects across any distance. Exact syntax unknown.


  • Understandably, the English language used for the commands may be awkward at times; indeed, certain commands would be changed between the web novels and light novels, and then corrected again in the anime. The Known Commands list uses the anime version.


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