Asuna Figures & Merchandise
Asuna Yuuki is a recurring character in the Sword Art Online franchise voiced by Tomatsu Haruka and Cherami Leigh in the anime adaptations. Her titles and nicknames have included Flash, Berserk Healer, Fairy Queen Titania, and Erika over the series, and she has played both Sword Art Online and ALfheim Online.
She is initially introduced as the sub-leader of the Knights of the Blood guild in the game Sword Art Online (SAO), and is spoken of highly for her combat abilities. Together, she and Kirito (voiced by Matsuoka Yoshitsugu and Bryce Papenbrook) form an almost unstoppable team!
Asuna has a kind and soft personality, always willing to put her life in danger to protect those around her.
Sword Art Online Progressive: Aria of a Starless Night Asuna: Roomwear Ver. 1/7 Scale Figure
$219.98$175.98(20% OFF)
Sword Art Online Progressive: Scherzo of Deep Night Kirito & Asuna 1/7 Scale Figure Set
$343.99$309.59(10% OFF)
Sword Art Online Progressive: Scherzo of Deep Night Asuna 1/7 Scale Figure
$174.99$157.49(10% OFF)
Chibi Kyun Chara Sword Art Online: Alicization War of Underworld
$14.00 - $42.00$12.60 - $37.80(10% OFF)
Sword Art Online the Movie: Ordinal Scale Notebook-Style Smartphone Case Collection
$30.99$27.89 - $29.44(10% OFF)
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