Super Dragon Ball Heroes TV Anime Series - Dragon Ball
Super Dragon Ball Heroes is a promotional animated web-series for the Dragon Ball Heroes video game. It follows the story of Dragon Ball Heroes and is based on the original franchise series created by Akira Toriyama. The story line is completely different to the original Dragon Ball anime and manga, however includes appearances from the original character cast. The first episode was shown at AEON Laketown and streamed online on July the 1st, 2018.
Currently, there are two complete Crcs in the Super Dragon Ball Heroes series;
- Prison Planet arc: July 1st, 2018 to December 22nd, 2018
- Universal Conflict arc: January 10th, 2019 to January 9th, 2020
Planet Prison Saga
Future Trunks comes back to the main timeline again to train with Goku and Vegeta. Following a sudden disappearance, a mysterious figure named Fu appears with Future Mai and tells Goku and Vegeta that Trunks has been captured and is being held on the Prison Planet. Fu opens a portal to the Prison Planet and Goku and Vegeta prepare to save Trunks. Supreme Kai tries to stop them, questioning Fu’s motives and seeking support from Whis. Whis however must go to wake up Beerus and inform him of Future Mai’s breaking the law with time travel.
Goku, Vegeta, Mai and Fu arrive as a powerful warrior launches a strike at Fu, which Goku blocks. The attacker is Super Saiyan 4 Xeno Goku. When Goku realizes that the attacker is Xeno Goku, he is excited at the prospect of fighting himself in another form and turns to Super Saiyan Blue.
Super Saiyan Blue Goku defeats Xeno Goku, who is surprised at the strength of Super Saiyan Blue Goku and is amazed at the form he is using, having never seen it before. Goku asks why Xeno Goku is trying to attack Fu and is told that Fu is plotting something and Xeno Goku had himself captured on purpose.
Fu now has no reason to hide his plans and reveals that while he is the one who captured Trunks, his goal is to gather the strongest fighters around for a huge battle royale. Vegeta is angered and fires and energy blast at Fu which he sends away by opening a spacial rift. He throws Vegeta a Dragon Ball and tells the team that if they want to get out, the other six are being held by strong warriors that they'll have to defeat in order to escape. Fu then teleports to a special place from which he can watch the giant battle.
Trunks wakes up in a cell and, as the doors open, he heads outside and is confronted by Cooler who, to Trunks’ confusion, demands a Dragon Ball. Bojack attacks, leading to Trunks and Cooler teaming up to defeat him and take his Dragon Ball before realizing that Oolong is also on the planet.
Elsewhere, Xeno Goku heads off in pursuit of Fu and Goku, Vegeta, and Mai discuss how to find Trunks. A communications robot appears and through it, Fu tells them that their Dragon Ball will now be targeted. They feel a huge power incoming and turn to find Cumber in front of them, though he is trapped in a straight-jacket. Goku transforms into Super Saiyan 2 and charges Cumber, but is possessed by the evil Saiyan’s aura. Vegeta steps in to fight the wild Super Saiyan Goku until Trunks arrives and takes over from his father. Vegeta turns to face Cumber, but is stopped by Cooler. After always being compared to his brother Frieza and mocked for his power, Cooler turns the insult around when he displays his final golden form before knocking Goku down and firing a huge energy ball at Cumber. Cooler then races towards Cumber and attacks, but is easily put down. As Cumber is about to lay the finishing blow on Cooler, Future Trunks comes to Cooler’s rescue. Super Saiyan God Goku and Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta then combine attacks and knock Cumber back. Enraged by this, Cumber then breaks free of his straight-jacket and powers up. Mai blinds Cumber with a flashbang grenade, further agitating the powerful Saiyan.
Goku, having now recovered from the previous damage, is given a Potara earring by Mai. Trunks and Cooler do their best to distract Cumber as Goku and Vegeta fuse to become Vegito (Vegetto). After powering up and transforming into Super Saiyan Blue, Vegito begins his assault. Vegito orders Trunks to stay out of the fight with Cumber. Cumber and Vegito continue battling and Cumber is surprised to have found a strong opponent that he can enjoy fighting. Cumber blasts Vegito into the cliffside, to which Vegito responds with Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken.
Vegito tries to quickly defeat Cumber, knowing that the fusion won’t last forever. Cumber, however, creates a fake moon which causes him to transform into his Golden Great Ape form. He then fires a huge blast at Vegito. Vegito suddenly defuses after the massive power drain of the Potara fusion. Goku and Vegeta then try to cut off Cumbers giant tail as Fu watches in excitement, though they fail. Cumber then manages to stomp on Goku even after receiving the combined attacks of Trunks, Vegeta, and Cooler. Goku manages to survive the attack as Super Saiyan 4 Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta arrive to join the fight. Everyone is doing their best against Cumber, but the Saiyan is far too powerful forcing both Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta to fuse into Super Saiyan 4 Xevo Vegito. Even this proves futile, however, and the two defuse. Fu arrives to handle the situation and removes the fake moon to revert Cumber back to his normal form as he escapes back through a spacial rift. Cooler, however, also goes through the rift in pursuit. All seems lost when Cumber launches a giant death ball that Super Saiyan 4 Xeno Goku and Vegeta fail to deflect but Goku in Mastered Ultra Instinct form appears as Xeno Goku teleports everyone away and crushes the hulking Saiyan with a Kamehameha. Fu and his team appear to collect the downed Cumber and shortly after, the planet explodes.
Universal Conflict Saga
After escaping the Prison Planet, Xeno Goku and Vegeta return to their own world. The Supreme Kai of Universe 6 appears and tells Vegeta and Future Trunks that a war has started on Universe 6 with unknown enemies. Vegeta demands to be taken there at once. In Universe 6, Oren and Kamin are fighting with Hit and Saiyans named, Cabba, Caulifla and Kale. They can’t seem to make any headway as the machine mutant twins simply regenerate. Vegeta and Trunks arrive to lend a helping hand.
Hearts and Fused Zamasu are watching the battle and, while Zamasu is excited to fight the warriors he despises, Hearts tells him it isn’t the time and he must be patient. Oren and Kamin then thrilled by the Saiyan’s power take over Kale and Caulifla’s bodies.
Vegeta fires a Final Flash at the two female Saiyans, but Kamin and Oren leave their bodies just before the impact, leaving the blast to hit everyone else instead. Hearts then joins the fight, crushing everyone with his gravitation attack. Kamin and Oren complain they were having fun and stop Hearts from taking any further action. Fused Zamasu then appears and Hearts suggests fighting the next strongest warrior in the multiverse while he interrogates Hit to find the strongest being to ever exist. Hit doesn’t tell Hearts who this is, but when Hearts reads his mind, he discovers that it is, in fact, Jiren. At the same time in Universe 11, Jiren is facing Cumber, who has already defeated Toppo.
Vegeta and Future Trunks are sent to Universe 11, where the fighting has left much devastation. Oren, having followed them there, enters Vegeta’s body and begins to fight with Trunks. Jiren and Cumber continue their battle seemingly evenly matched until
Cumber transforms into Super Saiyan 3. Hearts appears and orders Oren to take Cumber’s place as he transports Cumber to another universe.
Oren, Kamin, and Zamasu are beating Jiren and Trunks when Goku appears in divine uniform with the Grand Minister. Goku then separates Oren from Vegeta and blasts Kamin away. Goku moves towards Hearts when Kamin and Oren attack him. Goku can dodge all of their attacks and crush them. They then fuse to become Kamioren as Jiren attempts to obliterate Zamasu with a huge energy ball. Zamasu is unfazed, though, as he informs Jiren of his immortality. Lagss is summoned and Hearts uses her glass barrier as projectiles to throw at Goku. She is quickly rendered useless however, as her barrier is destroyed. She switches targets by firing glass shards at Trunks, who is thrown out of the way by Goku.
Trunk and Vegeta try to help but are interrupted by Kamioren. Vegeta transforms into his Super Saiyan Blue Evolution form and manages to take control of the fight. He defuses the twins with a Final Flash. Lagss is ordered to go and help Cumber as Hearts begins to use his gravitational attack on the team. Supreme Kai appears and tells Goku to use instant transmission and teleport away, which he does by taking the rest of the team with him.
Fu’s warriors arrive in Universe 7 and begin to battle once more. Trunks and Zamasu fight while the Tuffle twins hold their own against Vegeta. Android 17 and Piccolo join the fray and tell Vegeta to assist Trunks. Oren continues to fight with 17 while Kamin battles Piccolo. During this time, Goku attempts to duel with Hearts, but is overwhelmed by his gravitational attack and slammed into the ground.
Fu sends Laggs to assist Cumber in Universe 3 following his loss to Meta-Cooler. Lags is no match, though, and is about to be killed when Super Saiyan 3 Cumber attacks Meta-Cooler, saving Lagss' life. Super Saiyan 3 Cumber proves to be a strong foe, making Meta-Cooler transform into his golden form to carry on the fight. Cumber is completely outclassed now. Before he is killed, however, Golden Meta-Cooler overheats and suffers damage to his face. This forces him to leave the battle as Fu comments on how effective he was and the information he has helped gather.
The battle in Universe 7 continues to rage on as Oren and Kamin merge once more into Kamioren. The Universe Seed then begins to glow as Hearts acknowledges that it is soon to be complete. Hearts engages Goku again and launches him across the city with a flurry of attacks. Goku responds by using his Super Saiyan Blue form, closing the power gap between them. Goku fires a volley of energy blasts, which are stopped and returned before the two stop to establish that neither is fighting at their full power. Managing to counter and dodge Hearts’ energy attacks, Goku takes the upper hand with a Kamehameha.
Using Android 17’s energy barrier and Piccolo’s Special Beam Cannon, they manage to blast a hole through the fused Kamioren. Kamioren regenerates the hole and continues the assault by releasing a huge explosion. Hearts starts to beat Goku with his gravitational powers again before powering up.
Hearts knocks Goku out of his Super Saiyan Blue form and gloats that the fight could be more interesting. Kamioren also gloats about the power of his energy blast only to find that Android 17 and Piccolo were protected by an energy barrier. Hearts puts the universe seed inside Kamioren to give him more power, causing him to become giant in size and strength, so much so that Vegeta and Trunks are forced to leave the fight with Zamasu to assist. Kamioren is unfazed by any attacks the fighters throw at him and he grabs Goku in his hand in an attempt to crush him. Goku then explodes into his Ultra Instinct form and is evidently far more powerful than before.
Goku manages to dodge and stop many powerful attacks from Kamioren until he is caught by a large energy blast from which he emerges in his Mastered Ultra Instinct form. Everyone fires energy blasts at Kamioren and the red gem in his core begins to crack. Goku punches through it, shattering the giant machine mutant. Hearts then collects the Universe Seed and says that it is finally complete. He then merges with the seed as Zamasu watches eagerly. Hearts then emerges in a new powered up form and cruelly reminds Zamasu that his goal is to kill the gods. He then decimates Zamasu using his new found powers. Universe Hearts goes on to crush everyone one by one without breaking so much as a sweat. Goku persuades Vegeta to fuse, and so everyone else does their best to distract Universe Hearts while the two Saiyans complete the fusion dance.
The mighty Gogeta appears before Universe Hearts, who confusedly asks who this new warrior is. Gogeta then explains he is the fusion of Goku and Vegeta to which Universe Hearts mocks him, underestimating his power. In Super Saiyan Blue form, Gogeta starts taking back the fight before an angered Universe Hearts summons a giant meteor. The team all gathers their power to blast the meteor to pieces when Gogeta launches a final attack on Universe Hearts, destroying the Universe Seed and Hearts in the process. Hearts, fading away, claims he only wanted to defeat Zeno to give mortals true freedom.
At Zeno's Palace, the Grand Minister thanks everyone for their work in defeating Hearts as Gogeta de-fuses back into Goku and Vegeta. Vegeta, angry at having to fuse, sharply states he will never do it again. Goku states that they won't need to because he will handle it alone next time. Elsewhere, Fu is smiling plotting his next move.
Dragon Ball Series
Dragon Ball Z Series
Dragon Ball Kai Series
Dragon Ball Super Series
Dragon Ball GT Series
Akira Toriyama