JAPAN10 Valentine's Treats From Japan For an Even Sweeter Day!Liven up your holiday with this list of 10 unique treats!7 years ago
JAPANKit Kat Sushi?! Tokyo's Fancy Ginza District Is Home to a World's First!The first Kit Kat Chocolatory stand-alone store opens in Ginza on Feb. 2!8 years ago
MERCHOne Piece Characters Become Premium Chocolates with the Help of Tokyo Chocolate!With two sets featuring two different sets of characters and flavors, you'll be tripping over your feet to get to Salon du Chocolat 2017!8 years ago
JAPANThese Chocolate Burgers Are Perfect for Valentine's Day!The Mr. and Mrs. Chocolate burgers are both romantic and delicious!8 years ago
EVENTGorgeous Chocolate on Display at Seibu Shibuya Store for Shibuya Chocolate Paradise!The world’s best chocolates are being featured at the Shibuya Chocolate Paradise exhibit at Seibu Shibuya Store beginning on Jan. 31!8 years ago
JAPANShow Love for Your Favorite Character By... Sending Valentine's Chocolate?Sending 3D chocolates to 2D characters is pretty common in Japan!8 years ago
JAPANFall in Love with this Unique Selection of Valentine's Treats from Japan!Japan shows us that Valentine's Day is serious business with these veritable masterpieces!8 years ago