Show Love for Your Favorite Character By... Sending Valentine's Chocolate?

Show Love for Your Favorite Character By... Sending Valentine's Chocolate?

Valentine’s Day might still be a few weeks away, but preparations for it are in full swing here in Japan! With so many types of chocolate, both the ordinary and the deliciously unique, there’s something for everyone to send to their significant others, friends and… favorite anime characters?

That’s right! In Japan, it’s common for eager fans (generally female) to send Valentine’s chocolates to their favorite anime or manga character via the series’ editorial department. And this isn’t just a case of everyone at the office receiving some nice chocolate to share around - popular sports manga The Prince of Tennis has an entire event for ranking the amount of chocolates that each character receives!

Take a look at this photo from last year’s ranking process for an idea of how intense the Prince of Tennis love is…

Even author Konomi Takeshi was overwhelmed by the sheer number of sweet deliveries!

And as for the final tally, it added up to a whopping 112,863 gifts!

The final winner was Atobe Keigo, the arrogant yet charismatic captain of Hyoutei Academy, with 8948 votes!

This ranking event has been held every year since 2001, with the exception of 2003 and 2015. The first year started out with about 300, steadily increasing to over 9,000 around the ten year mark. Those numbers reached explosive heights with 2014’s haul, a jaw-dropping 181,890! Maybe their rooms were so full with chocolate that they couldn’t fit in any more for 2015!

But Prince of Tennis fanatics need not fear, as the event came back last year and will be running for 2017 as well. In this announcement, Konomi expressed his excitement for this year’s gifts, which are sure to be sent with lots of love for the characters and series! Furthermore, while results in previous years were released through an upcoming volume of the manga, he’s hinted at a new form of announcing the final ranking for this year.

While The Prince of Tennis may be running the largest Valentine’s anime event around, it’s certainly not the only one! Massively popular mobile game and anime Granblue Fantasy also joined in the fun last year, sending back character messages for chocolates sent!

Who do you think scored the most love?

And first place went to... Rackam, the suave-looking steersman who soars the skies!

And whether there’s an event going on or not, there are always those who want to express their love nevertheless, whether it’s through sending gifts, writing letters or drawing fanart!

We’ll be looking forward to what this year’s Feb. 14 brings to us and all our favorite anime characters! Which character would you send Valentine’s chocolate to?

This is a Tokyo Otaku Mode original article

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