With so many touching anime titles out there, anime fans are certainly no stranger to being brought to tears. After spending episodes getting to know a character, it’s easy to get attached. Whether dealing with the death of a favorite, a tragic plot twist, or a quiet yet powerful moment, there's no shortage of shows that sweep us away.
All of this begs the question, though, which anime series got viewers shedding the most tears, and which moving scenes left the biggest impressions? Compare your picks with this bittersweet top 10 from Anime!Anime!
9. Your Lie in April
9. A Place Further than the Universe
5. Naruto
5. Sword Art Online
5. Clannad
5. Assassination Classroom
4. Violet Evergarden
Despite often being regarded as titles that could provoke tears from even the most hard-hearted otaku, Your Lie in April and Clannad were unable break into the very top places. However, the competition was certainly fierce, so let’s see which ones made it!
3. One Piece

Coming in 3rd with 8% of the vote is One Piece. This series has earned a permanent place in the hearts of fans all over, and from partings of dear friends to bereavements of loved ones, this series has given us plenty of occasions that resonate in our hearts!

Following up in 2nd is Anohana, also remembered for its famously long title Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai. Just thinking about some of the biggest moments of this 2015 anime are sure to give you some feels, no doubt contributing to its solid 9% of the vote! Anohana follows a group of friends who fall apart after a tragedy and the way they slowly come back together. Who's still not over Menma, though?
1. Gintama

Coming in at the top is Gintama with 12% of the vote. Sure, the series is packed with nonsense and laughter, but it also wins fans over with its more serious developments. Not many anime manage to make us cry from both hilarious and comedic moments, but Gintama still has it all!
This list has come to an end, so we’re off to go find out who’s been cutting onions in the office. Did you find your favorite tear-jerking anime in the top 10?
Adapted with permission from Anime!Anime!