Naruto Series Merchandise
One of the hottest shonen series by Masashi Kishimoto follows Naruto, a young ninja shunned for being host to the Nine-Tails, on his dream to becoming Hokage. All kinds of ninjutsu, chakra, hand seals, and shuriken make frequent appearances in the show along with summoned beasts and super powers. Featuring a wide variety of characters from Sasuke, Kakashi Hinata, Sakura, Gaara, Rock Lee, Shikamaru, Jiraiya, and Orochimaru to the Akatsuki along with epic battles, Naruto keeps a great balance of humor and seriousness.
Although the manga concluded, movies still follow in its wake―even focusing on the next generation―the series continues to make its way across many different media platforms, including the popular Ultimate Ninja game series!
Figuarts Zero Naruto Extra Battle Kakashi Hatake -Conclusion with One Once Called a Friend-
$90.00$85.50(5% OFF)
Ichibansho Figure Naruto Shippuden Naruto Uzumaki & Jiraiya (Legendary Sannin)
$70.00$66.50(5% OFF)
Naruto: Shippuden Sasuke Uchiha: Animation 20th Anniversary Costume Non-Scale Figure
$26.99$24.29(10% OFF)