Sushi Bento Made of Candy?!

Sushi Bento Made of Candy?!

Oh man, doesn’t this bento look great?!

Wait a second… That’s not a bento… could it be…?!

These delicious-looking bento being sold through Village/Vanguard are actually made by hand using candy and konpeito by candy artisans in Kyoto!

▼Sale Page▼

They actually have a lot of different versions like vegetable bento and red rice bento, so while they’re all made of candy, there are a ton of different (but still beautiful and colorful!) versions for people to choose from.

Wouldn’t these make incredible souvenirs?!

Source: PR TIMES

Sushi Bento Made of Candy?! 1
Sushi Bento Made of Candy?! 2
Sushi Bento Made of Candy?! 3
Sushi Bento Made of Candy?! 4

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