Director Goro Taniguchi, known from such series as Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion, is taking on authoring a manga. The first volume of his first-ever manga titled Atrail - Nisekawiteki Nichijou to Senmetsu Element went on sale by Kadokawa on Jan. 26.
The series began as a webcomic on October 2015 on ComicWalker, Niconico Seiga, and Pixiv Comic. It depicts the agonizing days of main character Iori Shijima who finds the fate of the world in his hands after the appearance of a mysterious, transcendent being called Atrail and who fights to return to his everyday life. It’s a sci-fi story peppered with Taniguchi’s style.
Possibly the biggest news is that the original draft is being done by Taniguchi himself. Taniguchi is a hitmaker who has brought countless popular anime to the world including Infinite Ryvius and Code Geass. He is currently the chief director on Active Raid. And he’s now challenging himself with creating his first manga. Akihiko Higuchi of Ashita no Familia fame is illustrating the manga.
A campaign is currently being held to commemorate the release of volume 1. Presents including deluxe illustration cards have been prepared in limited quantities as a bonus for those who purchase it at Animate, Gamers, Toranoana, Comic ZIN, or WonderGOO. The illustrations available differ by store and run the gamut from stylish to sexy.
A portion of stores will also have a collaboration poster between Atrail and the third and fourth volumes of the spin-off series Code Geass: Oz the Reflection 02 releasing on the same day, which Taniguchi is also involved with. And the Feb. 6 release of the final chapter in the newest Code Geass series, Code Geass: Akito the Exiled, is fast approaching as well.
The first volume of Atrail is on store shelves now in Japan. It costs 580 yen plus tax.
Source: animeanime
Source article written by Katsunori Takahashi