Voice Actress Ayaka Ohashi from Fantasista Doll Visits Akihabara Shops During Recent Campaign!

This July, the TV anime Fantasista Doll will begin broadcasting. The story follows middle school student Uno Uzume who becomes a master after coming into possession of “Fantasista Doll” cards. Battles soon unfold with Uzume using the five dolls she can summon.

On May 6, Ayaka Ohashi, who is the voice star for Uzume, made an appearance in Akihabara. While dressed in Uzume’s uniform, she visited five stores as part of the “Uzume’s Jobs in Akihabara” project. Ohashi visited Akihabara Gamers, Sofmap Amusement Building, Akiba Sofmap 1, Toranoana Akihabara Store B, and Animate Akihabara. At each shop, she signed posters for fans. On the posters, she even wrote a message and the time and date down to the second! Also, fans were able to take a commemorative photo with the staff and their signed poster in hand.

Uzume’s costumes shined in the great weather that day. While she was going from store to store, she easily stood out, and many fans cheered her on. Ohashi responded with a big smile and a wave.

Another aspect of the “Uzume’s Jobs in Akihabara” event was also held online. Fans who participated by sharing a photo of their signed poster on Twitter with the hashtag #uzume_oshigoto received a clear file from Ohashi herself at Akiba Entaplus’ Fantasista Doll booth.

At the assembly hall, fans could be seen greeting Ohashi, saying, “I’m looking forward to the broadcast,” and, “You look great in the uniform.” Ohashi appeared to enjoy such talk with fans.

Fantasista Doll will begin broadcasting in July. The original concept was created by Goro Taniguchi who will be acting as the creative producer for the anime. He also directed s-CRY-ed, Planetes, and Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion. Hisashi Saito will be directing the anime. He is known for directing Bamboo Blade and Heaven’s Lost Property f.

Also, popular artist Anmi is in charge of character planning, and Hiromi Kato is in charge of animation character designs. Kato is known for working on various series including Guilty Crown.

Don’t miss Fantasista Doll when it begins broadcasting this summer!

Fantasista Doll Official Site:
http://www.fantasistadoll.com/ (Japanese)

http://animeanime.jp/article/2013/05/09/13986.html (Japanese)
Source article written by Magari Yuuji

Ayaka Ohashi
Ayaka Ohashi
Ayaka Ohashi
Ayaka Ohashi
© 2013 Fantasista Doll Project / Fantasista Doll Production Committee
© 2013 Fantasista Doll Project / Fantasista Doll Production Committee

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