The Arcadia Appeared in the Skies of Shibuya?! Promotional Event for “Captain Harlock” Held on May 8

Syncing up with the announcement of the voice cast and release date for the movie Captain Harlock, a large-scale promotion event was held on May 8, painting the entire area in front of Shibuya Station in Tokyo with space pirate Harlock. On the street, a whole crew of pirates wearing eyepatches with Harlock’s trademark skull and crossbones where distributing special newspapers. The front of the station was also decorated with several huge posters promoting the movie. It appeared as though the movie had completely taken over the area.

The movie comes roughly 30 years after the original anime for master Leiji Matsumoto’s hugely popular comic Captain Harlock. In the movie, the space pirate Captain Harlock who raises a rebellion against the government will be played by a young actor who represents Japan, Shun Oguri. Also picking up attention is Haruma Miura who is making his voice acting debut as a new character named Yami, an assassin who has been ordered to kill Harlock.

Recently, with the help of director Aramaki and the top-class CG animation studio Marza Animation Planet, an actual-size replica of Arcadia was unveiled in Shibuya. It was as if the large ship was searching for its crew in the skies of Shibuya, and its appearance was impressive.

Also, on a special site for the movie, you can sign up to become a crew member of the Arcadia. Like it on Facebook, tweet about it, or sign up for the newsletter to join the crew.

Now Recruiting Crew! (*Captain Harlock* Movie Special Page): (Japanese)

Captain Harlock Movie Official Site: (Japanese)

Captain Harlock Official Twitter: (Japanese)

Captain Harlock Official Facebook: (Japanese)

© Leiji Matsumoto / Captain Harlock Film Partners

This is a Tokyo Otaku Mode original article.

The Arcadia Appeared in the Skies of Shibuya?! Promotional Event for “Captain Harlock” Held on May 8 1
The Arcadia Appeared in the Skies of Shibuya?! Promotional Event for “Captain Harlock” Held on May 8 2
The Arcadia Appeared in the Skies of Shibuya?! Promotional Event for “Captain Harlock” Held on May 8 3
The Arcadia Appeared in the Skies of Shibuya?! Promotional Event for “Captain Harlock” Held on May 8 4
The Arcadia Appeared in the Skies of Shibuya?! Promotional Event for “Captain Harlock” Held on May 8 5
The Arcadia Appeared in the Skies of Shibuya?! Promotional Event for “Captain Harlock” Held on May 8 6

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