Weekly Otaku Camera! The TOM Editorial Team’s Weekly Nice Photo Ranking!

Weekly Otaku Camera! The TOM Editorial Team’s Weekly Nice Photo Ranking! 4

As always, thank you for using Otaku Camera! We were really inspired by the photos submitted this week. Did you enjoy last week’s Weekly Otaku Camera? This week, we would like to share some funny photos we collected. We’re sure that you have used Otaku Camera, but if you haven’t, please try it out now!

This week’s fifth place photo!
It looks like the frame and the face don't fit at all, is everything ok? Surely there are other frames that would suit you better...

This week’s fourth place photo!
Wait a minute, is this the same person from this week’s fifth place? The Hentai Kamen frame fits him much better than the cheerleader one. What a pity...

This week’s third place photo!
What the heck! What is this person so upset about? The speed captured in the frame is perfect!

This week’s second place photo!
This photo is representative of how the frame should be used! Thrusting out his tongue is a plus!

Finally, this week’s first place photo is....!
This photo is awesome! It looks like he is really jumping on top of the Flying Nimbus, as if it was right out of the comic. We are happy to see that someone has mastered Otaku Camera to this level!

We hope you enjoyed this week’s ranking. We will be sharing more fun photos next week, so please look forward to it!

Weekly Otaku Camera! The TOM Editorial Team’s Weekly Nice Photo Ranking! 1
Weekly Otaku Camera! The TOM Editorial Team’s Weekly Nice Photo Ranking! 2
Weekly Otaku Camera! The TOM Editorial Team’s Weekly Nice Photo Ranking! 3
Weekly Otaku Camera! The TOM Editorial Team’s Weekly Nice Photo Ranking! 4
Weekly Otaku Camera! The TOM Editorial Team’s Weekly Nice Photo Ranking! 5
Weekly Otaku Camera! The TOM Editorial Team’s Weekly Nice Photo Ranking! 6

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