Little Witch Academia Merchandise
Little Witch Academia began as a short film directed by Yoh Yoshinari and written by Masahiko Otsuka. A second film titled Little Witch Academia: The Enchanted Parade was funded through Kickstarter. An anime series and manga have also been released.
The story follows students studying to be witches at Luna Nova Magical Academy. It is set in a time when society’s interest in witches is dwindling. Atsuko Kagari or “Akko” joins the academy upon being inspired by a witch named Shiny Chariot. Akko has nearly no magical ability, but that changes when she finds Shiny Chariot’s Shiny Rod. Lotte Jansson and Sucy Manbavaran are Akko’s roommates. Lotte is capable of summoning and communicating with fairies and spirits, while Sucy is a mischievous witch who brews potions with strange effects.
Other enchanting students include Diana Cavendish who is the best student of the academy, which seems to have gone to her head; Amanda O'Neill who steals whatever catches her eye no matter it’s value and likes to perform tricks on her broomstick; Constanze Amalie von Braunschbank Albrechtsberger who combines magic with machinery; and Jasminka Antonenko who is always eating in class. One of their teachers is Ursula whom they learn astrology from. She chooses to mentor Akko after witnessing Akko’s humble and optimistic nature.
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