Ero Manga Sensei began as a light novel series written by Tsukasa Fushimi (also known for the Oreimo series) and illustrated by Hiro Kanzaki that has been published by ASCII Media Works under the Dengeki Bunko imprint since 2013. The series has also been adapted into a manga illustrated by Rin and an anime adaptation by studio A-1 Pictures that will air in 2017.
The story of Ero Manga Sensei follows high school student Masamune Izumi who has a penchant for writing light novels, even winning an award in junior high. However, having no artistic talent himself, he’s forced to rely on an anonymous partner who goes by the pen name Ero Manga Sensei, an illustrator known for drawing absurdly perverted artwork. Aside from his passion for light novels, Masamune is also stuck having to take care of his bossy hikikomori sister Sagiri Izumi who hasn’t left her room in over a year and even makes him make and bring her all her meals. Their strained relationship takes a huge turn, though, when it’s revealed that the true identity of Ero Manga Sensei, the ecchi illustrator Masamune always thought was just a perverted otaku, is actually Sagiri! And what’s worse, chaos erupts even further when a beautiful female shojo manga creator named Elf Yamada enters the fray is their rival!
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