All 28 Trailers for Godzilla Series to Be Distributed on YouTube

The new Hollywood Godzilla film will be released countrywide on July 25. Also, 2014 marks the 60th anniversary of Godzilla and buzzworthy developments for this “Godzilla Year” are piling up. Firing up this special year even more, a new project tied to the film began on Feb. 25. All 28 trailers from the Godzilla series have begun being distributed on the Toho Movie Channel on YouTube.

The first part includes 15 trailers spanning 1954’s Godzilla to 1975’s Terror of Mechagodzilla. Seven more trailers were then released on Feb. 27 and the final six will be released on March 6. In total, the three parts will comprise all 28 trailers. This marks the first time that all 28 trailers for the Godzilla movies have been released online all together. The trailers vary from 1-3 minutes in length and give viewers a chance to enjoy how the series has changed over the years. It is assuredly an appropriate project for the series’ 60th anniversary.

Also, if, while watching the trailers, you come across one that strikes your fancy, you may be able to enjoy it again in theaters. Starting on March 8, the “Godzilla Movie All-Out Charge” will begin and every movie in the series will be screened at the Jinbōchō Theater in Tokyo. Each of the films will be shown in 35mm, so fans won’t want to miss it. This project will also include talk events every Saturday night. The first one to be held on March 8 will include Akira Takarada who played in the first Godzilla film. He will likely discuss his thoughts at the time of filming. After this, a new guest will participate each week. Look forward to these along with the movies.

Godzilla 60th Anniversary Site
Godzilla Twitter
Toho Movie Channel Godzilla Trailers

Source: animeanime

TM & © Toho Co. Ltd.
TM & © Toho Co. Ltd.
The 28 Godzilla films
The 28 *Godzilla* films

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