Pokémon Sun and Moon's Mizuki (also known as Selene) has arrived in the Kotobukiya ARTFX J collection along with a Mokuroh/Rowlet mini figure!
Standing at around 200 mm, the Pokémon trainer from Alola is sculpted in a joyful pose with her arms thrust out and a cheerful expression on her face.
Mizuki's characteristic red flower-like hat and watermelon bag have also been faithfully recreated.
Say hello to an adorable Mokuroh too!
This figure is set for release in Jul. 2018 and can be preordered at Kotobukiya and Tokyo Otaku Mode.
Product Details
Name: ARTFX J Pokémon Mizuki w/ Rowlet
Series: Pokémon Sun and Moon
Product Line: ARTFX J
Manufacturer: Kotobukiya
・Mizuki: Takahi
・Rowlet: Wataru Orita
Specifications: Painted, non-articulated, 1/8 scale PVC (phthalate‐free) & ABS figure set with stand
Height (approx.):
・Mizuki: 200 mm | 7.9" (including stand)
・Rowlet: 65 mm | 2.6"
Source: @Press