Fujoshi ┌(┌^o^)┐ホモォ… Metal Accessories that Seem to Have Been Made for Technical Research Purposes Burst onto the Scene!

Fujoshi ┌(┌^o^)┐ホモォ… Metal Accessories that Seem to Have Been Made for Technical Research Purposes Burst onto the Scene!

A rhodium accessory “Metal Homoo” went on sale on Sept. 16 based on the fujoshi avatar familiar to netizens, ┌(┌^o^)┐ホモォ…

The perpetrator of this crazy…ahem, “surprising” item is, as expected, Dwango. The accessory is sold through the mail order website Dwango JP Store for 1,080 yen.

The ┌(┌^o^)┐ホモォ… (┌(┌^o^)┐Homoo…) symbol is used for fujoshi - female fans of the BL (Boy’s Love) genre which focuses on male same sex romance. This unique four-legged symbol was born on social networks in 2012 and because of its depiction of BL fans’ rabid desire it quickly became an internet sensation. It took the bronze medal in the internet trending words prize for 2012 and became even more popular when a game was released too.

By the way, the author of this article is also a fujoshi ( fujoshi > kifujin > ochoufujin - the names change with age) and still actively using this kaomoji. However, Dwango offered this superfluous explanation about their new product: “We decided to make this character that’s already disappearing from people’s memories into a metal accessory.” Gimme a break!

The Metal Homoo metal accessory takes the form of the ┌(┌^o^)┐ホモォ… symbol which is supported by a wide otome fan base and is made mainly from tin alloy but coated with rhodium to give it a “high-class sheen” not inferior to silver. Also they’ve implemented these low prices as “the manufacturers have created the product for their own technical research purposes.” True feeling comes secondary.

If you thread a string through the strap hole on the body, other than wearing it as a necklace you can also use it as a cell phone or smartphone accessory, or hang it from a lamp - you can use it in various situations.

If you wear this will it appeal to casual fujoshi? Maybe this guy could play a part in those times when you want to tacitly convey a feeling of kinship with like-minded people.

Source: Otaku Keizai Shimbun

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