Pokémon's Mew Will Watch Over Your Wedding With New Rings!

Pokémon's Mew Will Watch Over Your Wedding With New Rings!

Character-themed jewelry brand U-TREASURE is now accepting orders for two stunning bridal rings themed after the mysterious legendary Mew from Pokémon!

In the world of Pokémon, only a lucky few are destined to have a fated meeting with the enigmatic Mew. Knowing that, whoever receives these rings can take special comfort in the fact that their loved one treasures their first and unexpected encounter.

First up is a dreamy engagement ring that has a cute little Mew perched beside the setting and diamond! There are two different versions available: a platinum (950) and pink gold (K18) version, or a white gold (K18) and pink gold (K18) version. Both can be acquired for 120,000 yen and 110,000 yen, respectively.

Naturally, a matching wedding band was designed alongside the engagement ring! This one is suitable for all types of Pokémon fans since it is available in women and men sizes. A simple but elegant design, the band has the nimble and curled tail of Mew wrapped delicately around it. The inside of the band is also engraved with a motif special to Mew.

For both women and men, the versions available are a platinum (950) and pink gold (K18), or a white gold (K18) and pink gold (K18). However, prices do vary, as women sizes are priced at 100,000 yen and 90,000 yen while the men sizes are priced at 112,000 yen and 105,000 yen, respectively.

Fans who are thinking of tying the knot with these charming choices can go through U-TREASURE’s online shop, U-TREASURE’s Shinjuku shop, or K-Uno’s Nagoya shop.

Source: PR TIMES


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