It all began in October 2009. Fans in Japan and around the world rejoiced when we first learned that one of the most popular shounen manga, Fairy Tail, was going to be animated. Today, on March 26th 2016, after 277 episodes of happiness, tears and frustration, we finally say goodbye to the original run of the Fairy Tail anime.
At the very beginning, we didn't know what to expect (unless you read the manga, but still). But soon we were hooked for the next six and a half years. Here's the official Fairy Tail anime sharing with us a moment from the last episode reminiscent of the beginning.
2年間に渡るTVアニメ「FAIRY TAIL」新シリーズのご視聴、ありがとうございました。皆さん楽しんでいただけましたでしょうか?
— TVアニメ FAIRY TAIL 公式 (@fairytail_PR)">March 26, 2016
We had our favorite heroine...
Lucy by Yingtze
Our favorite ikemen...
Gray by Sinitar
And some of our favorite characters...
Art by Kamaniki
We died from happiness when Fairy Tail manga artist Mashima Hiro announced this on Twitter:
The current TV anime series' finale will go on-air on
— 真島ヒロ (@hiro_mashima)">March 22, 2016
Saturday, the March 26th...(sob)
The good news is that the project, led by myself, for a
— 真島ヒロ (@hiro_mashima)">March 22, 2016
NEW SERIES has already begun.
Please hold tight, and we THANK YOU for your support!!
The manga continues, and there will be movies and OADs to come...
— TVアニメ FAIRY TAIL 公式 (@fairytail_PR)">March 26, 2016
原作・劇場版・OAD・月刊FTコレクションなどなど、これからも「FAIRY TAIL」は続きます。今後も引き続き応援をよろしくお願いします!">#フェアリーテイル">
But for now, it's time to say good-bye to the Fairy Tail anime.
— TVアニメ FAIRY TAIL 公式 (@fairytail_PR)">March 25, 2016
Thank you.
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*This is a Tokyo Otaku Mode original article.*
*Disclaimer: All gallery art works featured in this article were created by TOM Special Creators who have given Tokyo Otaku Mode rights to share their work.*