New Legend of Zelda Manga Serialized on Mobile App - Tokyo Otaku Mode Gets Exclusive Comments from Manga Artist Akira Himekawa

New Legend of Zelda Manga Serialized on Mobile App - Tokyo Otaku Mode Gets Exclusive Comments from Manga Artist Akira Himekawa

While many are familiar with The Legend of Zelda as a popular game series, it was also a hit manga in the late 1990s, touting 10 tankobon volumes which sold more than 3 million copies worldwide. This time, The Legend of Zelda will return as a brand new story titled The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess published through Shogakukan's mobile app manga reader MangaONE.

Fans of Zelda can check out some preview cuts below from manga artist Akira Himekawa who will be bringing one of the most legendary franchises back to life!

Special comments for Tokyo Otaku Mode fans

For the past ten years, people have asked me at overseas events and on social media if I would draw a manga about the "Twilight Princess". At last, the long awaited moment has come. Even for fans who cannot read Japanese, I believe you'll be able to enjoy this manga some day, and I hope you'll like it. Please continue to support me and The Legend of Zelda! - Akira Himekawa

MangaONE Official Site (Japanese)
MangaONE on iTunes and Google Play

This is a Tokyo Otaku Mode original article

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