Follow-up Novel to “Sakura no Ame” Depicts Hatsune Miku and Other Vocaloids as High School Students

© halyosy © CAFFEIN ©Smith Hioka © VOCALOID NEXT © Crypton Future Media Inc.
© halyosy © CAFFEIN ©Smith Hioka © VOCALOID NEXT © Crypton Future Media Inc.

One year has passed since the novelized version of “Sakura no Ame,” a song sung by Vocaloid Hatsune Miku and composed by halyosy, was released. On March 15, 2013, a sequel to the novel, called Sakura no Ame: Bokutachi ga Meguriaeta Kiseki, was released. The novel is based on the original work by halyosy and written by Hitomi Amamiya.

Halyosy is a singer of unwavering popularity on Nico Nico’s “Sing it” category. As a Vocaloid producer, he used Hatsune Miku to create the song “Sakura no Ame.” Halyosy himself participated as a composer of the song, and gathered a splendid lineup of famous illustrators for the video, such as iXima, Asato Mizu, Tama, BUZZ, Dondorian Yoshida, and Tsukasa Ryuuguu.

In the novel version of the song, besides the Vocaloids Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin and Len, KAITO, Megurine Luka, and MEIKO, Roro also appears.

The story is about Miku following in her upperclassman’s footsteps and working hard as the new head of the Otohama High School Chorus.

Rin and Len, who were freshmen in the previous novel, have now entered their second year and their life in school should be smooth. However, they still have doubts and troubles, just like their friends, regarding singing, friendship, and love (!?). The work vividly depicts Miku and her friends grappling with their problems and maturing.

The novel Sakura no Ame was also halyosy’s creation. It is a big hit that has sold over 50,000 copies.

The original song, “Sakura no ame,” is also loved as a graduation song. Since its release in 2008, it has been played more than two million times. You should try listening to it while reading the novel!

Sakura no Ame: Bokutachi ga Meguriaeta Kiseki Special Site: (Japanese)

Sakura no Ame: Bokutachi ga Meguriaeta Kiseki PV:

Source: (Japanese)

© halyosy
© Crypton Future Media Inc.

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