Hayate the Combat Butler is a hugely popular manga currently serialized in Weekly Shonen Sunday. The third anime adaptation of the manga, titled Hayate the Combat Butler! Can’t Take My Eyes Off You, began broadcasting in October. The popular idol from the series, Ruka Suirenji, who also appeared in the manga, is an important character for the new anime, and she is now gathering as much attention as the main heroine.
Suppose Ruka Suirenji debuted for real, what would it be like? There is no doubt there are fans hoping for such a debut! But apparently, hope is no longer needed; the debut has already become a reality! At the event “Ruka Suirenji Starring Haruka Yamazaki Debut Event 2012 Overture”on Dec. 15 at Tokyo Dome City LaQua Garden Stage, Haruka Yamazaki, the voice actor for Ruka, gave a mini live performance as Ruka.
Also at the event, Toyama Nao, the voice actor for the idol Nakagawa Kanon from the anime The World God Only Knows, participated as a talk guest. A joint concert of these two works is scheduled to take place in April 2013. This collaboration has sparked rumors that a new season of The World God Only Knows is in the works. Whatever the case may be, the event was a blast!
This article contains translated excerpts from:
http://animeanime.jp/article/2012/11/28/12200.html (Japanese)