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hololive Meet 2024
Hatsune Miku Ayakashi Stage Plushie Mascot Mermaid 1
Hatsune Miku Ayakashi Stage Plushie Mascot Mermaid 2
Hatsune Miku Ayakashi Stage Plushie Mascot Mermaid 1

Hatsune Miku Ayakashi Stage Plushie Mascot Mermaid

Hatsune Miku Ayakashi Stage Plushie Mascot Mermaid 2

Hatsune Miku Ayakashi Stage Plushie Mascot Mermaid

The product picture provided is a sample only. The actual product may slightly vary.

Art by UNANUKU ©Crypton Future Media, INC. www.piapro.net piapro

Hatsune Miku Ayakashi Stage Plushie Mascot Mermaid

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Jason Vue

Can we get an F for all of us who missed out. Please get another re-run!!


Kinda sucks my restock went to junk mail and didn't see until now. Hopefully they get more..


Did not realize she's back in stock despite having restock notification on... I checked every email and did not see any reminder on this. Glad I found out myself.

United States of America

This is peeking my interest

United States of America

Yup just got her. The detail in this figure is going to be sick


Ooh this is neat. I can't wait to see what the other 3 look like. I'll definitely pick up Diao Chan!


Never heard of Soul Wing before. She looks pretty.

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by 🐇꒰menana꒱🪽
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by akaRice
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by Saki_Reverse



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