Cozy Corner Develops Nine Varieties of Cute “Star Wars” Sweets

Cozy Corner Develops Nine Varieties of Cute “Star Wars” Sweets

With the release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens just around the corner on Dec. 18, it’s showing up all over the place in a variety of different forms. And because it’s such a popular series, there are a multitude of collaboration products.

Among them, those that seems likely to pick up attention for their cuteness are new Star Wars sweets being released by famous confectioners Ginza Cozy Corner. The company is recreating familiar characters, machines, and icons from the movie as cute sweets. They will be on sale for a limited time beginning Nov. 1.

Going on sale are nine candies themed after Stormtroopers, Wicket, C3PO, Jabba the Hutt, the Star Wars logo, R2-D2, Darth Vader, the Imperial and Rebel Armies, and Yoda. Each one has a different design and flavor, which includes cheese tart, lemon cake, and matcha tart.

There will also be a “Petit Gateau Star Wars Collection,” which comes as a set of nine sweets. This might be difficult to enjoy all by yourself, so it might be a good idea to buy this one together with friends.

R2-D2 comes as a decorative cake that recreates his distinctive white, round droid body. Darth Vader comes in a chocolate pudding and the Stormtroopers come in white pudding. A selling point of each is their smooth flavors.

Another point to highlight is the package designs that differ depending on the number of sweets included. The R2-D2 and Darth Vader sweets come in stylish packages and also each include a pouch. Choosing one seems like it would be difficult, and eating them all the more so due to their cute designs.

The sweets that are sure to gain attention from Star Wars fans will be available from Nov. 1 to Dec. 21.

Ginza Cozy Corner Web Site

Source: animeanime

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