Woah, Those Muscles! Pokémon HG Brock, A Perplexing Figure Even for the Sculptor, Has Fans in a Craze

Pokémon Red/Blue was the first generation of the Pokémon games, which you could play on the first generation Game Boy - Ah, the memories!

The first person blocking the player’s path in the aforementioned Pokémon Red/Blue, Brock (known as Takeshi in the Japanese version) - the leader of the Pewter Gym, has been turned into a high quality figure. On Premium Bandai’s website the words “Long Awaited by the Whole World” appear - their aim is the creation of “the one and only complete Brock figure.”


The embodiment of the “Strong, Hard, Man of Rock” that made such an impression even in the game has been fully recreated in this half-naked, posing figure.

Muscular, with a six pack. Wow, Brock’s a big guy!

As for the sculptor, he had this to say about his trials and tribulations when he was asked to make the statue:

“When I got the telephone call asking me to make a Pokémon figure, I thought maybe they wanted a Pikachu or something like that, but when we had the preliminary meeting I was completely wrong!

“Brock’s muscles are pretty well developed for his age, but he’s not ‘brawny,’ he’s a boy who likes rocks and stones! - even now I remember that being emphasized. When they said that, I smiled and nodded, but, I’m sorry to say, I didn’t understand what they meant at all.

“‘If you run into trouble, please use this!’ they replied, but when they gave me the pixel art in-game image of Brock, that was honestly the most troubling thing. However, I did not give up. I put everything into making this figure, so I’ll be so happy if fans get their hands on one.”

Comments from the Internet:
- Those muscles!
- He seems stronger fighting by himself
- Now this is Brock!
- Looking at the pixel art, it must have been difficult for the sculptor

And so on - the figure’s production quickly became a hot topic. You can get a preview of the real thing at Tokyo Toy Show which will be held on June 20 and 21.

Preorders are expected to remain open until 11:00 p.m. on Aug. 31 (JST). Especially appropriate for those Rock-type Pokémon trainers, how about decorating your room with this beautifully formed Brock statue?

Product Summary: HG Takeshi (Brock)
Price: ¥3,456 (includes tax, excludes shipping and handling costs)
Set Contents: HG Takeshi figure (with stand included)
Figure Height: approx. 120 mm

Official Webpage
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© 2015 Pokemon
© 1995-2015 Nintendo / Creatures Inc. / GAME FREAK Inc.
© 1995 Nintendo / Creatures Inc. / GAME FREAK Inc.

Source: Get News
Source article written by non

Woah, Those Muscles! Pokémon HG Brock, A Perplexing Figure Even for the Sculptor, Has Fans in a Craze 1
Woah, Those Muscles! Pokémon HG Brock, A Perplexing Figure Even for the Sculptor, Has Fans in a Craze 2
Woah, Those Muscles! Pokémon HG Brock, A Perplexing Figure Even for the Sculptor, Has Fans in a Craze 3
Woah, Those Muscles! Pokémon HG Brock, A Perplexing Figure Even for the Sculptor, Has Fans in a Craze 4

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