“Garden of Sinners” New Movie “Gospel in the Future” to Release on Sept. 28

“Garden of Sinners” New Movie “Gospel in the Future” to Release on Sept. 28

The latest episode in the Garden of Sinners movie series, Gospel in the Future, from the scenario writer of the large-scale Fate series Nasu Kinoko, all seven chapters of whose novel have been turned into their own separate movies, will be released in theaters on Sept. 28.

This work was issued in 2008 by Takashi Takeuchi who was in charge of drafting Nasu’s characters. The episodes were collected into a doujinshi of the same name and adapted for film. The three short comics by Takeuchi from the doujinshi will also be issued and a simultaneous screening of the filmed Gospel in the Future: Extra Chorus is also planned.

The 3D conversion of the first work in the series, Garden of Sinners: Overlooking View 3D, opened on July 13 and instantly became a big hit. To commemorate that, beginning on July 20, those who attend the movie will be given a reproduced drawing from Gospel in the Future that comes in a Ufotable bag. The contents of the set are two cut frames of the protagonist Ryogi Shiki and partner Kokutou Mikiya from the stories preceding Gospel in the Future as well as the cut bag used by Ufotable.

Furthermore, the latest preview of Gospel in the Future is being shown in theaters at the end of Overlooking View 3D. As you can only see this trailer in theaters, if you want to know the information a bit sooner, go and see Overlooking View 3D if you can.

Garden of Sinners Official Site

© Nasu Kinoko / Kodansha Ltd., Aniplex Inc., Notes, Ufotable
© Nasu Kinoko / Seikaisha, Aniplex Inc., Notes, Ufotable

“Garden of Sinners” New Movie “Gospel in the Future” to Release on Sept. 28 1
“Garden of Sinners” New Movie “Gospel in the Future” to Release on Sept. 28 2
“Garden of Sinners” New Movie “Gospel in the Future” to Release on Sept. 28 3

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