The anime production company Sunrise has become synonymous with robot anime in Japan. The company has produced many robot anime, starting with Mobile Suit Gundam. Among the talented staff on these anime is Yoshiyuki Tomino, the creator of the Gundam anime. Tomino’s works are known to overflow with drama and humanity. Maybe that is why his works have maintained popularity for so long.
Overman King Gainer is one such anime that was produced by Sunrise and Tomino. The anime began in 2002 and recently passed its 10th anniversary. Many people who are fans of Sunrise are no doubt familiar with this anime, however, there is no doubt that there are just as many people who aren’t. This could be due to the fact that the anime was only broadcast on the pay TV station WOWOW and not on general stations. Even when it was just beginning, the series was popular for those in the know due to popular scriptwriter Ichiro Okochi, who worked on Stellvia of the Universe and Code Geass, being in charge of series composition for the anime.
In commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the series, the series’ official site has been reopened as a special 10th anniversary site. Also, syncing up with the ten year mark after the anime finished broadcasting in March 2003, a Blu-ray memorial box set of the series will go on sale this March. If you are a fan of robot anime, definitely take this opportunity to catch up on one of the classics.
Source: (Japanese)