Top Female Characters to Enjoy a Festival With in Yukata!

Top Female Characters to Enjoy a Festival With in Yukata!

In Japan, summer isn't just the perfect opportunity to hit the beach, but also head out to your local festival and feast at the food stalls or try your luck at some games. And as every anime fan knows, festivals are way more fun when you’re wearing a traditional summer yukata!

Fans have already sized up which male anime characters would be best to take out to a festival, but there's still plenty of summer to go around, so let's take a look at which female anime characters fans would most like to enjoy the full festival experience with!

5. Toyama Kazuha, Detective Conan
5. Asuna, Sword Art Online
4. Tsukuyo, Gintama

Sounds pretty fun so far, right? In addition to the summer festivals of the regular world, you could hang out with Tsukuyo in an Edo era one, or spend a blissful evening with Asuna in an online fantasy world's festival. With so many possibilities on offer, who managed to make it into fans’ top picks?

2. Hyuga Hinata, Naruto / Izumi Kyouka, Bungou Stray Dogs

Tying in 2nd place is Hinata of Naruto and Izumi Kyouka of Bungou Stray Dogs! Fans cited Hinata’s kindness as the main reason they picked her for their yukata festival date. As for Kyouka, it may seem like a counter-intuitive choice seeing as she usually wears kimono anyway, but you can be sure she'll also look stunning in a yukata.

1. Kagura, Gintama

And the winner is... Gintama favorite Kagura with 11% of the vote! Kagura's usual outfit of choice is a red cheongsam, but she'd definitely look great in a yukata. Fans also cited her fun and outgoing character as a key reason for giving her their vote.

If there's anyone else you'd like to hit the festivals with, let us know!

Adapted with permission from Anime!Anime!


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