The Digimon franchise was launched with a series of virtual pets on June 26, 1997. In celebration of its 20th anniversary, a new illustration has been produced to pay tribute to Digimon through the ages, from the first Digimon Adventure anime in 1999 to the 2014 movie Digimon Adventure tri and the currently airing Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters.
The new visual will also appear on a selection of commemorative merchandise, which will be available for a limited time only at pop-up shops at the Ikebukuro P’Parco and Parco department store in Nagoya.
A selection of other goods will be available through Premium Bandai including a commemorative 20th anniversary re-release of the original Digimon game, Digital Monster Ver.20th New Color themed around classic monsters Alphamon, Zubamon, and Omegamon, a reprint of the Digital Monster Artbook, and the Digital Monster Card Game Digimon 20th Anniversary Set.
(C)Hongo Akiyoshi, Toei Animation
(C)BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc.
Source: AnimeAnime