Natsu Battles a Dragon in New Fairy Tail -Dragon Cry- PV!

Natsu Battles a Dragon in New Fairy Tail -Dragon Cry- PV!

At long last, Fairy Tail -Dragon Cry- has premiered in Japan! The official release date was May 6, and if you haven’t seen it yet, the latest promotional video will probably make you want to!

It’s an online-only video called “Saishuushou - Kessen-hen,” or “Last Chapter - Decisive Battle Arc.” It begins with protagonist Natsu asking Lucy, “What do I look like to you?” and it’s centered around an epic battle between him alongside the Fairy Tail members and a massive, violent dragon.

The promotional video also mentions a special present being distributed to attendees to celebrate the film’s second week in theaters! Visitors of participating theaters will get one of three random bromides, each of which is autographed by the corresponding voice actor.

Source: Spice

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