Fairy Tail: Dragon Cry Announces Exclusive Storyboard Book Admission Bonus

Fairy Tail: Dragon Cry Announces Exclusive Storyboard Book Admission Bonus

Fairy Tail: Dragon Cry opens at cinemas across Japan on May 6, 2017 and the first in a series of special ticket purchase bonuses has now been announced. Those going to see Dragon Cry when it premieres could get their hands on a limited edition book of draft storyboards by original author Mashima Hiro!

The 200 page limited edition book includes some of the artwork prepared by Mashima for the movie’s production and shows just how passionate he is about the project.

Announced with the first bonus, the second gift will feature three promotional photos of popular characters Natsu, Lucy, and Sonya with reproducted signatures of the cast. The limited edition promotional photos will be available during the movie’s second week of release from May 13.

Fairy Tail: Dragon Cry opens at cinemas across Japan from May 6, 2017.

(C) Mashima Hiro, Kodansha / Fairy Tail movie DC Production Committee

Source: AnimeAnime

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