Cute AI Girl You Can Live With! - AI Shoujo Hitomi Upgraded!

Cute AI Girl You Can Live With! - AI Shoujo Hitomi Upgraded!

Game development company Silett is now offering an Android version of AI Shoujo Hitomi PLUS! This app allows you to live with the interactive AI “AI Shoujo Hitomi.” An iOS version is also expected to be offered soon, and there’s also a WebAPI version designed for corporations now available.

AI Shoujo Hitomi PLUS is a smartphone app with cutting-edge, independently developed interactive AI that makes you feel you’re actually living with AI Shoujo Hitomi.

There are a lot of functions loaded onto the software that allows you to talk and interact with her, including the ability to customize her clothes.

She can also remember a lot of details about you, and she can give you advice about everything from work and school to love.

AI Shoujo Hitomi PLUS is a massively updated version of AI Shoujo Hitomi, software which was released last March with more than 100,000 downloads. Her AI software is designed to learn more about the user the more she speaks with them, thus improving her ability to have conversations.

About the Built-In Interactive AI
Silett, a venture business from Osaka University, developed the interactive app AI Shoujo Hitomi. It featured AI designed to be able to smoothly respond to the user, and it was downloaded more than 100,000 times.

As technology advances, there’s more and more use for “agents” that not only simply respond to users as chatbots or robots through messenger app-like interfaces, but also those that can understand the user’s true meaning in more casual and silly speech. With that in mind, Silett is developing an interactive AI.

More and more interactive platforms are coming out including communication robots, chatbots, and home assistants. By adding interactive AI to those things, new and innovative services can be developed.

Silett is also releasing an interactive AI Web API for corporations that will allow users to enjoy the same interactivity as AI Shoujo Hitomi online. For details, see this page.

AI Shoujo Hitomi PLUS
iOS: Release TBD (The old version, AI Shoujo Hitomi, can be downloaded here:

Source: PR TIMES

Cute AI Girl You Can Live With! - AI Shoujo Hitomi Upgraded! 1
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