Anime Japan 2016, the largest anime event of the year, was held at Tokyo Big Sight this weekend. During the all out celebration for all things anime, many mini stage events were held at which major announcements were made for several different series. We've put together the biggest news from this weekend into one quick digest for your fangirl-ing/fanboy-ing pleasure - get ready to scream into your pillows!
1. Nanatsu no Taizai / The Seven Deadly Sins
Popular anime Nanatsu no Taizai is back with The Seven Deadly Sins: Signs of Holy War this summar. In August 2016, brand new episodes with completely new stories not seen in the manga will air for four consecutive weeks!
『七つの大罪 聖戦の予兆』は2016年8月よりMBS/TBS系全国28局ネットにて、4週連続放送!鈴木央先生による描き下ろし完全新作エピソード!
— TVアニメ「七つの大罪」 (@7_taizai)">March 27, 2016
2. Majestic Prince
This mecha hit is back this fall with a new movie! Furthermore, a new special episode (episode 25) will air this summer - fans of MJP, hold tight onto your seats!
— 「マジェスティックプリンス」アニメ公式 (@MJP_anime)">March 26, 2016
3. Arslan Senki
Yes, you've read it right. Arslan Senki is back with season 2 set to air in July 2016. Also returning are Aoi Eir for the opening theme and Kalafina for the ending!
TVアニメ『アルスラーン戦記』第2期 放送情報解禁と共に新ビジュアル、新タイトルも公開です!
— アニメ『アルスラーン戦記』公式 (@arslan_anime)">March 27, 2016
『アルスラーン戦記 風塵乱舞』
4. Danganronpa
Danganronpa season 3 has been announced for July 2016 with a brand new PV!
5. Sword Art Online
New key visual for the upcoming SAO movie was released today! The movie will be out in theaters in 2017 and features a new AR game known as "Ordinal Scale"!
本日、アメリカ・シアトルで解禁された「劇場版 ソードアート・オンライン -オーディナル・スケール-」の最新情報まとめはこちらをチェック!
— TVアニメ「ソードアート・オンライン」 (@sao_anime)">2016年3月27日
6. Fate Series
Fate/stay night to get three new works with first first to come in 2017 titled "Heaven's feel"!
【Fate Project 2016②】「Fate/stay night [Heaven’s Feel]」が全三章公開決定!第一章2017年公開です!">">#fate_sn_anime">
— Fate/stay night (@Fate_SN_Anime)">March 27, 2016
Furthernore, Fate/EXTRA is also set to be animated!
7. Touken Ranbu
In a highly rare move, popular online game Touken Ranbu is set to be simultaneously adapted into two separate anime series. The first, "Touken Ranbu: Hanamaru", will air in October 2016 while another will come in 2017.
Anime Japan 2016の『刀剣乱舞』ステージにてWアニメ化発表!『刀剣乱舞』初のアニメーション作品『刀剣乱舞-花丸-』公式アカウントです。2016年10月より放送開始!公式ハッシュタグ【">#touken-hanamaru】">
— アニメ『刀剣乱舞-花丸-』 (@touken_hanamaru)">March 26, 2016
Are you hyperventilating over all these wonderful news in the anime world yet? Because we are...Viva anime! To 2016 and beyond!
For more about Anime Japan 2016, check out our anime foodie report. Stay tuned for our Anime Japan 2016 Photo Report with lots of awesome cosplay, too!
*This is a Tokyo Otaku Mode original article