Anime Japan is the otaku motherland's biggest anime event of the year. Anime Japan 2016 is held this weekend on March 26 and 27 for the general public. With hundreds of booths selling anime merchandise and exhibiting the latest anime, tons of exciting stages featuring seiyuus and major announcements, Tokyo Big Sight is bubbling with avid fandom this weekend. Our team of anime hunters arrived early to battle huge throngs of fans of all series and genres. However, nobody can get any work done on an empty stomach - so we decided to start by sampling all the anime-themed food available at this year's Anime Japan! ( Don't worry - an event report will follow tomorrow! =P)
First, we arrived at the Food Park
And got in the lines. It wasn't too crowded because we, er, got hungry too early...
As dutiful anime fans, we of course ordered one of everything.

From the anime Silver Spoon comes Yugo Hachiken’s Special Pizza!
This pizza references the anecdote from Silver Spoon in which the students gathered the ingredients they had grown to make pizza.">@woofycakes haha! Mostly, but I dunnoo, that silver spoon ep had me ordering pizza soon after">
— Dane Krams (@KramsDesign)">February 20, 2015
It tasted (probably) as good as it did for Hachiken in the anime!
Next comes Is the order a rabbit?? Rabbit House’s Naporitan
It's like as though the girls at Rabbit House served the spaghetti! (If you imagine really hard)
ご注文はうさぎですか? 第2羽 小麦を愛した少女と小豆に愛された少女">#愛してるRT">#大好きRT">#同氏は全員フォローする">
— ごちうさご注文はうさぎですか相互フォロー (@0gotiusa)">March 17, 2016
Fans would probably recognize this familiar Dragon Sin print “Fu” from The Seven Deadly Sins Homemade Corn Soup
WORKING!!! anime presents this delicious Hokkaido cheese curry straight from Wagnaria, the family restaurant where the characters work.
Trust us, it tastes better than it looks!
From Blood Blockade Battlefront / Kekkai Sensen is a special burger on the menu of the Jack & Rockets diner where protagonist Leonardo Watch sat in the start of the show.
Last but not least, we finally got to eat this
『おそ松さん 今夜は最高!松ディナープレート』お馴染みのおでん屋で酔いつぶれる6つ子がプリントされた、ディナープレート!毎日の食事がよりハッピーになること間違いなし!
— オタクNEWS (@OTA_NEWS_24)">March 19, 2016
The Osomatsu-san oden in real life! (And it tasted like normal oden)

With our stomachs full and our hearts content at the prospect of having eaten all these 2D foods in their glorious 3D transformation, we head off to report on the rest of the event... stay tuned!
This is a Tokyo Otaku Mode original article
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