Six Osomatsu-san OP Covers to Brighten Your Anime-less Days [Cover Collection]

Six Osomatsu-san OP Covers to Brighten Your Anime-less Days [Cover Collection]

Despite all the rumors in the final days leading up to the last episode of Osomatsu-san, the anime ended at two cours leaving fans hungry for more. Now that we're left with no new episodes, we'll need something else to fill that void.

Thank goodness for YouTube and avid fans in Japan, there are countless cool covers of the Osomatsu-san opening songs and here are a few that we just can't stop watching!

Karamatsu even comes with his special shiny pants!

Rocking it out Matsu-style!

The second OP recreated by real people...

Going Acapella!

Another rock rendition...

Totoko and Iyami steals the spotlight!

Which was your favorite cover?

This is a Tokyo Otaku Mode original article

You belong in the TOM Fan Club. Don't keep TOM Senpai waiting: