Boys Lash — “Straight False Eyelashes for Dressing Up as a Man”

If you want to cosplay as a beautiful boy from an anime or manga, then this may be exactly what you need to recreate that cool, long-lashed look!

Assist Wig, a Japanese retailer specializing in wigs and cosplay items, is now selling false eyelashes made especially for cosplayers emulating the look of anime and manga boys with impossibly long lashes.

The lashes are apparently an original item from Assist Wig, and they’re calling it the “Boys Lash — Straight false eyelashes for dressing up as a man“. And as the name suggests, these lashes are straight, not overly voluminous and curled like the standard fake lashes for women.

▼ Here’s how it looks before and after putting on the lashes from the side …

▼ … and from the front.

▼ And here, you can see the difference between a regular set of fake lashes (left) and the straight Boys Lash (right).

Full article continued at RocketNews24.
Source and photos: Assist Wig online shop

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