Free After School Date Stock Images! Time Slip High School Girls Get Hearts Racing

Rare occurrence of bumping into a high school girl while she’s biting into a slice of shokupan. Model: Yuka Kawamura

Pakutaso - the free web-based stock image service, has released a new series of dreamlike photos recreating an after school date with a high school girl titled “Koi Suru Houkago Date” (Romantic After School Date).

The series is a collaboration with the popular “Time Slip Joshi Kousei” (Time Slip High School Girls) contest in which all those former school “Madonna” models are photographed again in cute ways.

A high school girl with her mouth wide open waiting for ice cream, or saying “Guess whoooo?” coming from behind; high school girls sharing earphones and scarves with their boyfriends - if you’re a guy, all your no. 1 fantasy situations and even those scenes you only see in the movies, like bumping into a high school girl while she’s biting into a slice of shokupan, are lined up here for your perusal.

Yuka Kawamura, a current university student, is the featured model in the photo project.

Your wildest fantasies thrown wide open! Free stock photos making your deepest desires come true!

After club activities, your longed-for girl “manager” says “Good work” and hands you a water bottle and towel

That was such a great time… (it was table tennis club though…)

Full of courage after school

So nervous…

She doesn’t know this song at all, but she’s putting up with it because she can snuggle up to you.

This was the life I wanted! ( crying )

"Which do you want to eat?" your high school girlfriend says, teasing you

Woah - careful now!

Patting your depressed girlfriend’s head until she finally smiles


A high school girl pestering you for a kiss in the classroom after school

Finally, there’s even a wonderful “kiss shot”….! I don’t know why, but I could cry for so many reasons…

Anyway - as there are so many “After School Date” photos, how about trying a “time slip" of your own even if it’s just in your mind?

Time Slip Joshi Kousei - Koi Suru Houkago Date
Time Slip Joshi Kousei

Source: KAI-YOU
Source article written by Kodak Kawaguchi

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