There has been a sudden wave of interest in a photo collection called “Ketsu Bat Girl!” - a collection created in Furumachi, Niigata of girls getting hit on the butt with a baseball bat.
The “Ketsu Bat Girl!” Tumblr features a series of photos of a variety of girls making agonizing expressions as they get hit in the butt by a bronze statue of Yamada Taro from the baseball manga Dokaben. So far, 38 photos have been posted.
The featured models range from traditionally dressed maiko girls to schoolgirls.
The girls’ playful expressions
The “Ketsu Bat Girl!” photography project was started by calligrapher Shinya Nishihara, who created the free newspaper Okinawa Bishojo Zuban (An Illustrated Guide to Beautiful Okinawan Girls). This original endeavour which shows girls getting hit on the butt with a baseball bat released on Tumblr, and has been trending on Twitter.
“Ketsu bat” has a somewhat negative ring to it, like some sort of painful punishment for a game. However the girls who are featured in these photos have a happy and delighted air to them.
The statue of Yamada Taro can be found on the “Mizushima Shinji Manga Character Street,” located on Furumachi 5 Bangai, Niigata City. It might just become like the Hachiko Statue of Shibuya, and turn into a new tourist attraction for Niigata City.
What a happy bunch of girls getting hit on the butt with a bat...!
Source: KAI-YOU
Source article written by Yuri Kinoshita